Chapter 4

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I woke up to banging on my door and a headache. I looked to my left and the bed was empty. Well, at least I didn't have to awkwardly kick him out. I covered myself with the blanket before saying come in. 

Tony popped his head into the door "emergency meeting we need all hands on deck" Tony said looking around the room to see clothes everywhere "where's your friend?" he asked smugly knowing damn well he had left.

"Oh him uh the guy whose name I never asked yeah he left," I said Tony laughed "typical" he muttered. I heard a rather loud laugh "what's that" I asked "come see for yourself" Tony said before walking out. 

I quickly got dressed in some grey sweats and a simple white top. I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face as best as I could in little time. I walked out of the room following the sound to the kitchen.

There sat on one of the bar stools was Thor, I only knew of him I didn't personally know him but that would probably change now. 

"Morning," I said as I took a seat next to Natasha who was wide awake and looked perfectly normal "thanks for waking me up" I whispered in her ear sarcastically. "I was going to but Tony insisted" she whispered back.

"Why do you look so perfect?" I asked "I slipped out at night caught your guy sneaking out" she replied. "So you slept next to me?" I asked and she nodded "and you still let Tony come in to wake me" I added.

"Sorry," she said and I just shrugged. "Ladies are we done" Tony interrupted rudely "we have a location for Loki's scepter and it's our job to bring it back safely" Tony instructed, "all hands on deck this time" Steve added nodding towards me. 

This was my first official big mission with the whole team and I was pretty confident, a little hungover but I would deal with it. Thor walked over to me "Hello I believe we haven't met I'm Thor" he said holding his hand.

"I'm y/n," I said smiling and shaking his hand. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady" he gracefully flirted I smiled and was about to thank him when I was again cut off by Tony "suit up we don't have all day," he said.

I got up from the barstool and walked out with Natasha to suit up but not before purposely bumping into Tony and not apologising.



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