10. The Memories They Whisper (Heal It With A Song)

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-It's time for Philip to shine.

-Philip could hear voices, yet one seems to be much clearer. Why is that?

-Hit me with that Angst!

-The Masked Man is still very Mysterious

-Philip and Russia have a chat

-Bits and pieces of flashbacks to taking the throne

-You non-filipino people about to learn our language today!


~Third Person's POV~

"The Masked Man..." Philip whispered, touching the engraved title of the book as he studied its contents. The golden design on it certainly piqued his interests, the familiar designs he knew he's seen before but never thought about. His eyes lingered at the book cover, a mask similar to that of the ones seen in theaters, oddly enough similar to...

His brain adds automatically, and he held back the unnerving feeling.

Like the night before...

Shaking his head, he noticed that the book already had a red bookmark stuck between the pages. He was curious, but then he thought about it for a moment... wouldn't that be like spoilers for him?

Reluctantly, he made the decision to place it back in its bookshelf, rightfully so. He'd respect whoever was recently reading this and place it back until the bookmark was gone. He has been taught to become a better person. Morality is the key.

Smiling confidently to himself, he was about to place it back, when suddenly, a strange voice whispered.

"Read the story, until you know what's to come by the end of it," with that being said, the teen jolted in suprise, throwing the book upwards on accident. And of course, he did not react to it positively. Frantically, he rushed at the other side of the bookshelf after hearing the loud plop.

He hoped that he wouldn't get in trouble for throwing good literacy, books are precious treasures of knowledge.

The voice continued to whisper.

"Once you've reached the climax, you may never be the same again,"

He flinched, 'There it goes again!'

"Once a story ends, do you think it's the beginning?"

'Where is this coming from?!'

"We're all the heroes of our stories, meaning, we're also a villain in someone else's story."

'Who said tha- Actually, that hit hard,' his pace slowed and he quickly looked everywhere for the source. He looked left and right but to his despair, found no one.

It continued to whisper, however more unrecognizable to hear on what they're saying as they grew loud and messy, creating a round of hissing, agonizingly scrambling his brain at the stressful noises being produced.

Terrified, he slowly backed off, covering his ears from the deafening volume of which is probably not heard by anyone but him as they whispered similar words he was able to catch up. His brows creased in utter confusion.

These words... they don't sit right with him. Yet... they seem familiar?


He refused to wear his father's crown...

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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