Jchlatt and tommy (Dead buddies) pt 1

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Honestly I don't know how to do this story so bare with me if it's bad because I think so too since I'm running out of ideas :(
1528 words


I woke up from my very long nap seeing the two same people I was with for 14(I don't normally remember stuff so like I said bare with me) 16? 15? It was probably close to that since I'm always sleeping.I saw someone very unusual when I woke up,someone was by Wilbur talking very loudly at him.


It has been 3 months since I got here and I have been very disappointed since the only thing I know is how to play solitaire,I am getting good but it's getting soo boring and Schlatt was just sleeping on that ground but I think I heard him wake up but I was to busy trying to win against will "hah beat you again ,16/14 ( tommy/Wilbur)" Wilbur said with a menacing smile that was creepy for others not me ,techno and Phil since we use to hang with him all the time,he used to scare me with that smile as a kid but now I'm not even phased just trying to win first out of his deck of cards he had a bad one.My luck is slowly fading and he's starting to catch up to me but his luck is also fading making it unpredictable of who is going to win,we stopped because we were getting pretty bored so we played poker (I don't know how to play).


I must have been dreaming it was only me and Wilbur,right?I pinched myself feeling stupid that I was dead and how we were ghosts and can't hurt ourselves without a solid object on hand,I just hopefully think this is my imagination.....but is it real...pfff of course not we're in a place just for dead people so they're probably not real but dead ...I'm an idiot.grinning at how stupid I am i stop and say to Wilbur "ayo Wilstinks "(will-stinks for pronouncing) "whaaaaaat goat" Wilbur said while looking past tommy and having a face of an annoyed person or however you thinks an annoyed face "who's that with ya?" Rolling my eyes but anticipating for an answer to see who the hell that rapenzal hair colour weirdo is "That's tommyinnit remember that blonde kid that was annoying you so much you were close to killing him right then and there" Wilbur said with the face of "how do you not remember" face " ohh tommyinnit minecraft I remember kind've,weren't you the one that was balling your eyes out due to your friend almost dying"I said while laughing so hard not even caring that I probably hurt his feelings "Can we not talk about that time please" tommy said not looking at either one of them,surprising both of them of how he asked nicely they stopped trying to talk about that time "wait didn't Mexican dream die,where is he?"Tommy asking wilbur since asking jshlatt was not a good idea since he is sleeping most of his time no "who?"wilbur and jshlatt asked "what do you mean who?one of y'all should have met him by now" tommy said in a very sarcastic and mocking tone making me and Wilbur look at each other as if we were asking each other if we met a "Mexican dream"looking back at a very confused tommy " that person is probably alive my boy" I said shrugging my shoulders leaving tommy sad I got up and sat by tommy or whatever his name was and gave him a awkward side hug and ruffled his hair " I bet your tired talking to wilstinks (get it😂 Wilbur stinks due to him being dead) and want to talk to someone cooler than that abomination of a stink bomb( do you think my jokes are funny?also I know he is also dead)


After a day.....probably more than.......I lost count....will dream even revive me? After what I think is a couple of days me and jshlatt were close buds well not that close.to be honest talking to someone new other than the people you know is quite fun you learn their darkest secrets,learn what they like and don't like ,even at your worst sometimes they'll help you through the bads and what you think is impossible to you,they probably won't betray you...won't leave you with an abuser....and won't leave you locked with them inside a prison even though they could open it.Jshlatt is actually a good guy to learn about


I had been......1....yeah 1 year it has been,I.....don't think dream is gonna revive me anytime soon...guessing by how much time it has been my corpse is probably stinky and disgusting by now. Jshlatt woke up again knowing he wakes up every few often but not daily,mostly close to 4 or 6 months he would or wouldn't wake up.We also grew close together.....maybe I might replace tubbo?....would I?just for how jashlatt hasn't done anything bad?.....but we are friends it hasn't come up for being best friends....will it be best to be best friends with Jshlatt since it has been a year and probably a 90% chance dream won't revive me and I won't see my betrayer well close to us not being best friends nor friends ever again,is this good for me though?will I regret this?I might regret this "Hey!stop being so quiet I'm asking a question!" Jshlatt asked "what dickwad!" I asked looking at him looking annoyed about losing my train of thought "I wanted to ask a question about quackity,like does he miss me after.... The time he.... Never mind how is quackity I know he's alive due to us not seeing him here...." Jshlatt asked looking down not wanting to remember the bad times but the good "he's alright,made a big place called las neva-never mind it's kinda hard to pronounce the place,he used to be married after you died....but I think they divorced also he got this huge slash on his left eye....or right?I don't know which side but he got a wicked scar.He got this person....or thing? His pronouns are he/him so I guess it's a person but he's made of some liquid slime which is green and weird......but wanna something shlatt "


After being a bit heartbroken hearing that (what's happened to my keys? Doesn't it look weird?I guess we deal with it) quackity has married....or use to be married to those......IDIOTS!!!!if I were to be revived I am going to kill them!!!!"but wanna know something shlatt" I looked at tommy realizing that I was zoning out "what?"I ask looking at him skeptic of what he is going to say or ask me "I saw two rings around his neck like a necklace and since I was looking at your hands you don't have a ring sooo I think quackity has your rings so I'm thinking he still loves you" tommy looks at me with eyes that know I still love him like he knows that quackity probably still loves me so I look at him with a face of blush but we're dead and blood doesn't go through our body so it looks like a face of embarrassment but not "So what if you know I still love him he definitely doesn't I mean do you know what he did to my heart....he broke it mentally and physically"I look at tommy with a face of "how do you not know" tommy looked like he was embarrassed and tried to laugh it off also by looking to the left trying not to make eye contact with me


Wilbur I think got revived since he disappeared....his cards are still here but I think he might miss them since he always says something "good" about them then shlatt also left or...disappeared....well revived really being he told me if he was ever revived he was gonna kill sapnap and Karl


I was playing solitaire with wills cards then all of a sudden I saw that my hands disappearing slowly like particles of me were leaving my body then.........BOOM I was laying on the ground having a headache......it slowly leaving I got up and looked around seeing that I was alive?how? Who revived me?how long has it been wait..........Wilbur was revived 8 months ago shlatt was revived............5months ago when I died............I'm going off track I first need to find out where I am before I die again

Sheesh I might need a part 2!!!!so here you have it enjoy :)

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