04. how you disappeared

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❝ how you disappeared ❞

CHAPTER FOUR❝ how you disappeared ❞

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NERVOUS ENERGY was the only thing keeping Alysia awake

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NERVOUS ENERGY was the only thing keeping Alysia awake. She had hardly slept the night before. The mid-afternoon sun glared through the windows of the command center, and she sat at a desk with monitors beeping rhythmically in front of her. Beside her, Axel was sitting up straight, eyes glued to the screens. They had been camped out there since early morning. It was understood between the two of them that they needed to intercept the Jedi before anyone else noticed their arrival.

"You know, staring at the screens won't make them arrive any faster," Alysia said, mouth turning up in amusement.

Axel glanced over at her, before letting out a huge sigh. "You're right," he admitted, finally taking his eyes away from the monitors. He swiveled his chair to face her. "But aren't you nervous?"

"Of course," Alysia admitted, letting out a small chuckle. "I'm terrified." The truth was that not even Axel could comprehend just how much. Despite how close they had become over the years, he knew very little of what her life had been like before returning to Kro Var.

"You never talk much about your time as a Guardian," Axel observed. His tone became slightly cautious as if he expected her to shrivel up and disappear before his eyes. Which, given her typical avoidance of anything regarding the Jedi, was not unlikely."Or why you left Coruscant."

"I prefer not to think about it," Alysia admitted, shrugging with more nonchalance than she felt. "It helped me move on."

"That makes sense," Axel said quickly. There was a slight pause before he asked, "Would you ever go back?"

Alysia let herself sink back into the seat, eyes drifting up to the ceiling as she considered. It wasn't as if she had never thought about it before. There were moments when she missed what used to be so deeply that she felt it as a physical pain. But then the memories of her last few months would come rushing back, overpowering the longing within her.

"I don't know," she finally admitted. "But I think it's a choice I'll have to make soon."

Axel was silent for a moment as he let that sink in. "They'll want you to fight," he said.

Out of the Woods ⸻                                                Obi-Wan KenobiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora