grandma janice's 83rd birthday!

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*Ryland, Shane, Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew all celebrate Grandma Janice's birthday! *I have decided to age up the kids so it matches the timelines of my other books! So Rosie will be turning 5, Posey will be turning 4 and Cooper and Crew are going to be 2!* Enjoy! Love • Bree 🎂*

"Mama? Mama?" Rosie says out loud, looking all around the house for Ryland because she wants to ask him something.

"I'm in the kitchen, Roo!" Ryland says with a cheeky grin as Rosie runs over to him happily.

"Hi, Roo! Hi, baby!" Ryland says, giving Rosie a kiss on the forehead.

"Hi, Mama! Are Nana, Pop and Grwandma Janice here yet?" Rosie asks Ryland, who is cooking a special birthday lunch for Grandma Janice.

"They are almost here, Roo! They will be here in about another thirty minutes or so, Nana just texted me a few minutes ago!" Ryland says as Rosie cheers.

"YAY! I am sooooo excited to see Nana, Pop and Grwandma Janice today! Today is going to be fun!" Rosie says as she hugs Ryland's leg and Ryland hugs her back.

"I am really excited too, Roo! Aunt Susie, Uncle Gregg, Nana and Pop's dogs Stella and Oliver and their cat Cha Cha are coming too! As well as Auntie Stacey, Uncle Austin, their dogs Charlie and Lulu, Auntie Momo and Cookie!" Ryland says causing Rosie to cheer happily.

"Honey, Uno and Cheeto are gonna be soooooo happy to see and pway with Stellwa, Oliver, Charwlie, Lulu and Cookie!" Rosie says and Ryland smiles ear to ear.

"I think they will be too, Roo!" Honey, Uno, Cheeto, Stella, Oliver, Charlie, Lulu and Cookie always have fun playing and hanging out together!" Ryland says to Rosie with a cheeky smile and Rosie smiles too.

*Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew's outfits*

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*Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew's outfits*

"Mama!" Posey says happily as she runs over to Ryland and Rosie.

"Yes, Po? Hi, baby! Do you wanna come talk with Roo and I? We were just talking about who is coming over today for Grandma Janice birthday!"
Ryland says to Posey.

"Uh huh! But my Barbie broke!" Posey says to Ryland and Ryland gets confused on what she means by that.

"She's broke? What do you mean?" Ryland asks Posey in confusion.

"It stuck! See!" Posey says, holding up her Barbie so Ryland can see it.

"Oh her dress is stuck! I'll fix it in a few minutes, okay? I need to finish cooking and then I'll help Barbie! Do you want to help me make something for Grandms Janice?" Ryland asks both Rosie and Posey

"Yeah yeah! I wanna help!" Posey says happily.

"Me too! I wanna help too, Mama!" Rosie says to Ryland with a bit cheeky smile.

"Okay! Let's make a special charcuterie board for Grandma Janice's birthday!" Ryland says, causing Rosie and Posey to both get extremely excited!

Ryland, Rosie and Posey all wash their hands and they begin to put together the charcuterie board!

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