"A peaceful night"

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(more music recommend from me lol and this song fits this chapter :,))

Rougefort pov

As I go up to the apartment building. I went up to the roof and leaned on the railing, staring at the night sky. today was a very peaceful night and I didn't planned on robbing anything today. the city was always peaceful as ever when its dark. it was currently 2.am and I'm here looking above the city. I smiled as my long hair flowed with the wind. I liked the calmness in the city despite that I'm always the one causing all the troubles. I do enjoy peace once and a while. as my mind started to wonder off. I heard a voice. "I didn't think I would be the only one that would come up here." the voice said as my mind got disrupted and I turned around. there in all his former glory, almond cookie. "ah what are you doing here dear detective-" I said as my eye bolted everywhere, trying to find an escape route. I didn't wanted to be caught. not yet. not ever. "calm down, I'm not here to look for trouble right now. your not doing anything harsh so I won't bother myself to chase after you." he said as we walked towards the railing and glances over the city. my body relaxes as I also does the same, I glance over at almond who's mind have wondered off to somewhere else. the moonlight reflecting towards him. the wind blowing his hair and his coat that somehow always stayed with him. he was beautiful in the moonlight. as I stared at him for a couple of moment. I could see that he finally snapped out of his gaze and I quickly turned away. as I went back to admiring the sky, almond spoke up again "beautiful view isn't it?" I nodded as I softly smiled. the temperature was just right and the wind wasn't too strong, this night was perfect and I didn't want anything to disturb it. I wish everyday was like this with some joy. it would be lovely.as I gazed off into the view. I felt a hand on top of mine. I looked at the railing to see that almond hand was on top of mine. my stomach had some butterflies in it before I tightly grasped almond hand within mine before gazing off again. truth to be told, I always loved almond. his looks, his personality, the fact that he cared about everyone so much. I loved it all and he got me so interested and so hooked. he always had a soft spot for me and I enjoyed it. he was the man I ever wanted and there was no doubt that I had a crush on him. I suddenly felt a gaze on me and I looked out on the corner of my eye to see almond staring at me. "is there something wrong?" I asked before almond snapped out and we both gazed into each others eyes. he moved his hand on my check, softly cupping my checks. I leaned slightly into the touch as he gently smiles.i smile back as I put both of my hands on his check and both of his hand moved down to my waist. I didn't mind though because it was the most peaceful night I ever had. "c-can I tell you something rouge?" he asked while still staring into my eyes. "ask away!" I said still smiling. he took a deep breath "w-will you be my lover? I been having feelings for you for a long time and..." he said while pausing a bit. I was shocked. he liked me back as well!? the man I been crushing on liked me back! he spoke up again. "I would like for us to be together and forever. do you accept my confession?" he ask while gazing at me. my smiled widen as I spoke up "detective almond I been feeling the same for you the whole time. I also admired you and your personality. you are a truly the most valuable  jewel I ever met." I said while almond smile also widen. we both stared into each other eyes before we both leaned in for a kiss. as we both kissed. I basically melted in it, it was heaven to me. I loved this man so much and I want to show it. as we pulled apart. we both smile and hold each other hands. "I love you so much." almond said our hands intwined. "I love you too my detective~" I said while we both kissed again. we both watched the view together. this lasted till we saw the sunrise and I leaned against almond shoulder. "this is the most wonderful day of my life" I said while we watched the sunrise. "I must agree" he said while pulling me closer to him. "I'm afraid I must leave though. I do have to take care of walnut. see you soon rouge." he said while walking away. I smiled "see you soon too detective~" I said as we parted ways. I love him so much.


=-bonus-=  (well more like a poem but whatever-)

"one peaceful night a lonely person watched the city sky as there mind wonder off"

"but was soon interpreted when a second man came by"

"They were supposed be swore enemies as the two we opposite"

"but they found a way to break that rule"

"as the two people stared above the peaceful city"

"this is where they confessed"

"as the two lover intertwined as the universe has planned something bigger for the two lovers."

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