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(HAVE SOME ANGST PEOPLEEEEE thanks for waiting so long lol and don't worry fluff is at end)

Rougefort pov

I was running away from walnut and almond as I run into a building, climbing up the stairs as the two detective followed. as I turned my back, the two detective were standing in front of me "STOP THERE PHANTOM BLEU!" walnut said as she pointed her magnifying glass at me. "my my! looks like this is my cue to leave!~" I said as i go to step back. but what I didn't know is that final step could have possibly caused my death, as I step back, almond and walnut face looked terrified and the last thing I was heard was "LOOK OUT!" I was confused til I fell off the edge and could control my balance. I fell down as the last thing I saw was almond and walnut terrified face, before my body hit the ground...

almond pov

"WATCH OUT!" I said as rougefort looked confused and they fell. as me and walnut ran over, I tried to grab there hand but it was too late. me and walnut ran down the stairs as we went out. I saw rouge laying there, lifeless. I went over to rouge as walnut ran to them and shook them. "hey wake up!" walnut said shaking rouge body even more. I kneeled down next to my daughter as I checked rouge pulse. I could still feel it so I knew it wasn't too late, I had to act fast though. as I scooped him up. I went to a nearby hospital. once they saw rougefort, they refused at first but I somehow convinced them and they went to treating rouge. walnut kept asking me if they were going to be ok, I told her that they were going to be fine but to be honest, I have no idea if they are going to live or not...after waiting for a few hours, the nurse said that I could come in but gave me a warning that rougefort wouldn't remember some things before leaving. I came into the room to see that rougefort was staring down. "rouge..?" I said before they looked back at me confused. "uh- me-?" they said before I slit my head and nodded. "uh- who are you again-?" they said before my expression turned into shook before I reminded myself that he wouldn't remember some things. I walked towards them and pulled a chair to sit down next to them. we stared at each other for a moment before walnut came in. "who is she..?" they asked before walnut turned to me concern. "dad does he not remember us!?" she said while I sighed and said "well that fall was pretty big if you ask me..." I said while there face turned into confusion. "what fall...?" they said in a slightly concerned voice. "I'll tell you later, now is not the time..." I said while walnut climbed up to rouge bed and started asking him loads of question. I stared a them as rouge answered the questions and walnut was getting more concern by the moment. I looked at the time on my phone and realized it was very late. "kiddo we have to lea-" I got cut off by walnut shout as she hugged rougefort and said "no! I don't want to leave yet!" she said as she tighten her hug on rougefort. rougefort smiled softly before "hey you Can always visit me after! even though I don't remember who you are... I can tell you care a lot!" rougefort said as they patted her head. "fine..." walnut said, getting off of rougefort bed. we said our goodbyes before leaving.

Rougefort pov

after I waved goodbye to the strangers I just met, I stared at the wall before I realized that there was a cape on the table. I picked it and I get a sudden flashback. wait.... OH MY GOD ALMOND AND WALNUT BROUGHT ME HERE!? I turned around to see my surrounding. I was in a hospital. I saw a mirror and grabbed it. there was bandages around my head. I turned around to see a camera. i quickly destroyed the camera before quickly changing back to my normal clothes. I opened the window that was in the room. as I hopped from roof to roof I finally founded almond house. I quickly lock picked the door to find that the only room that was lit was almond room. I peeked into his room to find him stressing out on something but I couldn't see what he was looking at because of how dark the room was. I went into the room and gave him a surprise hug. at first he tried to get out of it, it was reasonable but once he looked back at me, he stood up and grabbed both of my shoulder. "AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE HOSPITAL!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT? HOW DID YOU-" I cut him off by pulling him into a tight hug and he cried on my shoulder. after 30 minutes or so he was asleep. we were on the bed and he was keeping me in his grasp. I stared at him sleeping peacefully. I gave him a forehead kiss before falling asleep myself


almond pov

as I woke up. I saw that rougefort wasn't beside me and panicked. I didn't want to lose them again, as soon as I entered the living room, I saw that rougefort playing with walnut. "dad! rougefort came to visit and she got her memory back!" she said, hugging me as I hugged her back. they came up to me with a brush and started brushing my hair. "sheesh do you ever take power care of your hair?" they said brushing my hair. "oh I'm sorry I just woke up" I said as a joke as I rolled my eyes playfully, they chuckled as they kept brushing my hair and walnut started telling me how excited she was to grow up and become a detective, after rouge was finished brushing my hair, I opened the fridge to see almost nothing in it. I made a reminder to do shopping next time and suggested we got go a restaurant to eat. we had a fun day and rougefort didn't steal today. I kept an extra close eye on rougefort so they don't do anything dangerous. walnut kept talking to rougefort but I still had to do some cases, I convinced walnut to not come with me and rougefort insisted to help me and some people kept saying something like "WHAT IS PHANTOM BLEU DOING WITH SOMEONE LIKE HIM!" rougefort basically gave them the death glares the whole time. we finished and cuddled together. rougefort fell asleep a lot more faster as I play with his hair. I fell asleep as well knowing that my life was going to be a lot more interesting from now on.

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