Chapter 36- Infiltration

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Rockstar Freddy

Bryan's plan was coming along just fine for once. Which, made me have a bad feeling. "Okay that should be it." Bryan walked over to me. "You sure you're up to this?" Bryan asked. I nodded.

"I want to find out what the Twisted Animatronics plan is. Gives me something to do too," I answered. 

"Just be careful. Hide near the other side over there." Bryan pointed to small cove of trees. 

"All right." 

Once Bryan's plan was in motion I saw Twisted Freddy following him and the others. I kept myself low to the ground to make sure I wasn't spotted. I had to make sure I wasn't seen. I saw Bryan use the trap. It worked. "Yes! We did it guys!" Bryan exclaimed. 

"But now what do we do?" Orville asked. 

"We destroy him. If you guys are up to it." 

"Are you kidding? I'm down," Lefty said. I heard footsteps and saw Twisted Wolf. He was headed toward Bryan and the others. I couldn't do anything or else it'd blow my cover. I remembered when I acted like I was broken at the pizzeria, and I couldn't help anyone when they needed it. But this was different. Twisted Wolf somehow freed Twisted Freddy from the trap, and he chased Bryan and the others. Twisted Wolf came back over. I took a deep breath. Here we go. When he was a few feet away from where I was I got up quietly and followed him. Hopefully I didn't run into any of the other Twisted Animatronics, or else I would be in big trouble. 

"That human is interfering with our plans," Twisted Wolf said to himself. "I need to plan more. This won't be easy. Especially from what Twisted Freddy said happened. If they're getting ready to fight it could go bad for us." He was talking about how we defeated Twisted Freddy. So he was going to move to another plan? We headed for the abandoned part of the theme park, and I made sure that no one else was looking, to make sure I wasn't caught by any of our animatronics. "Though, the one he said that showed up before, hasn't been here. Hmm." We headed for the portal room. When Twisted Wolf got to the portal room I watched him go in the portal, staying behind him just a little. What if the other Twisted Animatronics were there looking at him? What if there wasn't any hiding places? 

"Well now or never," I said to myself. I jumped in. 

When I got out I instantly shot for cover. Luckily there was some crates stacked nearby. I peeked out and saw only Twisted Wolf. The lights were flickering constantly, and the whole place was made of wood and metal. "Twisted Chica come here," Twisted Wolf said. After a few moments I heard footsteps. 

"What is it?" Twisted Chica asked.

"Go into the portal and keep Bryan distracted. Twisted Freddy is already there, tell him to come back here," Twisted Wolf answered.

"Okay!" Twisted Chica happily hopped into the portal. So this is where they stayed. I couldn't go farther, because I didn't want Twisted Wolf to notice me. 

"They seem to be getting restless. I think they're going to attack sooner than I expected," Twisted Wolf said to himself. I almost laughed. We weren't anywhere near ready to take them on. I mean sure, maybe we'd have a chance with Fun Trap but she wasn't able to do anything right now. I'd talk to her later about that. She might like it. "I need to get Twisted Foxy here because I know he has some good ideas." So there was a Twisted Foxy. So, was there one for every old animatronic? If so, where was Twisted Bonnie? Surely they have a Twisted Bonnie. Twisted Wolf walked into the left corridor. I waited a few minutes then came out from my hiding spot. I went through the right corridor, being as quiet as possible. I came across two rooms. I went into the first one and saw hand-drawn maps of the theme park and x's marked on the maps. Was this where they were planning to attack? I didn't seem likely. There was more x's than there was Twisted Animatronics, so it could be a point of attack. Maybe I could get this map. I walked up to it and carefully ripped it off the wall. I rolled it up and headed out of the right corridor. I made a run for the portal and jumped. 

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