Cut through the heart cold and clear
Strike for love and strike for fear
There's beauty and there danger here
Split the ice apart

Beware the frozen heart

The men and small boy stacked their ice in their respective sledges and stopped to admire the beautiful northern lights.


"Elias, psst!" A brown-haired girl whisper to a sleeping boy whose hair was white as snow.

"Elias!" The boy who was still sleeping grunted. Being fed up by her brother's attitude, the girl climbed up on the bed and started to shake the boy.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" Anna chanted.

"Anna, go back to sleep." Elias sleepily replied.

"I can't. The sky's awake, so I am awake. So we have to play" Anna sighed dramatically.

"Go play by yourself!" Was Elias' only response before he playfully shoved his sister off of his bed. Anna scowled before she suddenly grinned mischievously, an idea forming inside her head.

"Elias, y/n's visiting~ so do you wanna build a snowman?" At that Elias finally cracked his eyes open and grinned at his sister.

After a few minutes, both siblings were out and in front of a door, knocking loudly. It was a wonder that no one was awakened by that.

"What?" Came a grumpy voice from inside the door, clearly not happy at being wakened up at such an ungodly hour.

"Psst, y/n, it's Anna and Elias, open up!" Anna whisper-shouted.

"Coming, give me a minute to fix my hair." Y/n whisper-shouted back from the inside. The siblings eagerly waited for their friend. Anna impatiently tapped her foot against the floor.

Y/n came out after a few minutes looking perfectly fresh and grinned at the siblings,

"let's go!"

"Come on! Come on! Come one!" Anna loudly chanted, her small hands gripping y/n's while y/n gripped Elias' slightly larger one's. Anna led them to their playing room, all while the older one's tried to shush her.

"Do the magic. Do the magic!" Anna yelled enthusiastically at Elias who laughed at his sister before fulfilling her demand.

There was a small glow coming from his hands, small snowflakes formed on the boy's hands. Anna and y/n cooed at his magic.

"Ready?" Elias asked both girls smiling widely. To which both nodded eagerly. Elias threw the snowflakes upwards from his hands and it started to snow inside.

"This is so cool!" h/c haired girl beamed at the slightly older boy, who returned the smile with his own and blushed bashfully.

"Watch this!" Elias said motioning to Anna and y/n who turned to him attentively. He stomped on the floor and it started to get covered in a layer of frost making the girls giggle excitedly.

They all enthusiastically build a snowman, Elias' and y/n rolled the larger part while Anna rolled the smaller part.

They attached in his hand, legs, eyes and small cute buttons and at last Elias pushed in the snowman's carrot nose, to which Anna snorted from her place in the chair.

the act of true love || male!elsa x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora