chapter six: the call

Start from the beginning

Lins: update, starbucks was a bust :(

Lins: how come whenever i'm on call there isn't an insanely attractive man here who will end up professing his love to me in 45 mins like greys ???

     I have a small laugh to myself. For being a nurse and knowing how completely and utterly ridiculous Grey's Anatomy is in a realistic view point, Lindsey is very obsessed with the plot of the show and has found the time to watch all of the seasons. She has even forced me to watch them, which I can honestly say that I stopped watching after the forbidden episode that is 11x21. After that heartbreak, I have lost all interest in the show.

Me: morning <3 at this point quite frankly i have no idea why were are even still working there. we need to transfer to grey-sloan ASAP

     I text her back and almost immediately I get three bubbles popping up with her response.

Lins: glad we are in agreement.

I let her text sit, knowing if I respond she will start to go into heavy detail about each character's traits and pivotal role in the show, so I don't respond. Instead, I draw back my comforter and let my legs hit the cold air that fills my bedroom. Seriously I need to start blasting this heater. My bare legs quickly react to the ridge air and I shutter. I absolutely refuse to wear long pants while I sleep. Shorts are always the way to go. I am very much a girl who would rather be freezing and have a million blankets on, than have the feeling of pants wrapped around my legs when I sleep. Same thing goes with socks.

Absolutely no socks when you sleep. End of discussion.

My bare feet hit the floor, thanking myself I bought a rug for my room, and trudge my way to stand in front of my large windows. Chicago never fails to amaze me. From 12 stories up I can still see the little figures below moving about, everyone in a hustle. There is no snow yet even though it's the middle of November. Here in Illinois we get snow from end of January to March instead of a normal spring. Lovely. Even without the snow I can still see how cold it is. Everyone that walks past the building is covered under layers of jackets and scarfs. I pull my arms around myself, holding myself tightly, as my body shivers to the thought of walking around right now.

Growing up it was never cold. Obviously LA wouldn't be snowing during this time of year, and if it was I would be even more concerned for this planet than I already am. I really didn't mind having warmth all year round though. It was nice to never really have to worry so much about the weather, which is extremely different here. In LA every day you could basically expect the same outcome of weather. Warm,
which would escalate very quickly to hot, weather is year round. My childhood home's closet was primarily filled with short sleeved expensive designer shirts, a few pairs of shorts, although my mother does not diem as appropriately ladylike, and countless amounts of dresses, which she finds much more suitable. Here my closet is filled as if I am stuck in Antarctica.

I really don't despise the cold here though, even if I cursed mother nature a few times for it. There are certain aspects that make the weather much more enjoyable. Like here I am fortunate to own a car so I spend less time outside and every place that I frequently visit is a short distance away, that is if traffic is on my side. Spoiler alert: it typically isn't.

I think the one thing that makes the winter bearable here however, is obviously Christmas time. My life most certainly does not resemble a movie, but if there has ever been a time where I felt the most like the main character, it would have to be during the holiday season. I might just be delusional or have a lack of sleep, most likely both, but I swear everything just feels so much brighter here during that time. Of course I am speaking based off of just one Christmas spent here, but truthfully it was one of my favorite Christmas' ever.

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