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1.) Kelsey has never flown a Plane. He has only flown Paper Planes.

2.) Kelsey has witnessed over 80 Pilots get High at the Wheel.

3.) Kelsey once accidentally crashed his Plane and killed it, while trying to demonstrate how to Shave while flying a Plane.

4.) When asked during a Radio Talk Show what inspired him to become a Pilot, Kelsey revealed that his inspiration was Bruce Dickinson and "Lots, and LOTS, of Beer".

5.) Kelsey was a Grammar Teacher and Grammar Cop before becoming a Pilot.

6.) Kelsey is a Pilot, Model, Actor, and the Host of a Beauty Channel on YouTube called PrettyPilotTutorials. Here is a screenshot from a video on his Beauty Channel:

 Here is a screenshot from a video on his Beauty Channel:

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7.) Kelsey became a Pilot at 15 years old.

8.) Despite mean Youtube comments, Kelsey has been named "Sexiest Pilot Alive" for the TotallyALegitimatePilotMagazine Magazine.

9.) Kelsey once boiled an Owl by accident.

10.) Kelsey is Bruce Dickinson's secret Son.

11.) Kelsey has a secret stash of (no, not Pilot Porn) videos he has recorded of himself flying Planes.

12.) Kelsey is afraid of Hamsters.

13.) Kelsey has a MAJOR phobia of growing Hair, called ChiaPetosiosis.

14.) Kelsey has a Hobby of peeling Bananas, but not in a Sexual way.

15.) Kelsey cannot spell.

16.) Kelsey was illiterate until the age of 19.

17.) Kelsey is Planesexual, every Pilot is Planesexual.

18.) Kelsey once "accidentally" locked himself in a Fuselage. (Please don't ask...)

19.) Kelsey loves to fly upside down.

20.) Kelsey has multiple Instagram, Twitter and Tinder accounts.

These are all fake and just for laughs

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These are all fake and just for laughs. (Kelsey please don't hate me 😂😂). ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩

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