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You had managed to make an appointment with a soul reader just across town. You had called a clinic that day after lunch with your soulmate and twinflame, opting for 2 weeks from that day.

Now standing outside the clinic building your nerves were starting to get the better of you. Steeling yourself before you bolted back to your apartment, you tightened your grip on your bag and headed in.

Two younger ladies sat at the reception desk both wearing white scrubs and talking cheerfully. One of them notices you as you slowly make your way through the door, she stands to welcome you.

"Hello, do you have an appointment today?" She smiles.

"Uh, yes. For Y/N L/N." Your voice cracking as you say your name. She bends down, looking at the computer.

"Of course, right this way." She extends her hand, walking around the desk, indicating for you to follow her. You walk down one long hallway and then another, coming to the end room she motions for you to go inside.

The room is white. Glaringly white. A white desk and white chair against one wall, with what looks like a white safe and a white examination table in the middle. The white ceiling is fairly high for a regular room, something like almost 20 feet you think.

"Please have a seat and the reader will be with you shortly." The receptionist states before leaving you in the room and shutting the door.

You've only sat on the table for what feels like less than 5 minutes before an older woman, also dressed in white enters the room.

"Hello Miss, Y/N." She says warmly walking over to you. "I am the reader of this clinic, I was told you wanted me to check on your soul mirror."

Unable to form words you only nod.

"May I ask why?"

You chew on the inside of your cheek, unsure of what to say or how to even start. Do you tell her everything? Or just enough to point her in the direction of what you needed to know?

"Full disclosure? I won't say anything to anyone, patient confidentiality." She reassures you. She's nice, her aura being that of something you could only describe as whole. Whole and glowy.

"I think my mirror is cracked." You finally say in a hushed tone, almost afraid that someone else might hear you.

"You think?" An eyebrow shoots up as she looks at you.

"No....I know it's cracked." Trembling hands push your hair behind your ears, then once again vice gripping your bag strap in your lap. "My soulmate rejects the idea of having a soulmate."

"We'll take a look, together." She hums and reaches out a hand, placing it on top of yours. Taking your bag from you, she walks over and places it in the safe.

"Don't worry, my dear. Just lie back and breathe deeply." Nudging your shoulder for you to lie down, the lights seemingly turn off on their own.

But you do as you're told. At first you see nothing, only pitch black, then slowly lights. Tiny flickering lights. You can't hear or see the woman but her presence is strong enough for you to know where she is in the room. She's standing to you right, arms outstretched over you.

Kosmos begin to flutter into the room. In the empty space in this tall room planets begin to emerge, along with twinkling stars. You're so amazed with what you're seeing you don't notice the light shining from your abdomen.

Until you begin to feel a buzz coming from your body. It feels like your whole being is in vibrate mode. Startled, you see the light from your abdomen shoot out of you, not one light but multiple lights. They swarm together at the foot of your bed creating a shape. Your soul mirror appears within it.

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