You know what he's implying. Hoping you work up the courage to tell Jimin who you really. A part of you wants to.... but you had your reasons and they were enough to keep you solid in your decision.

One thing you hadn't told Taehyung was just how badly your soul was cracked. Being around Jimin numbed the pain on most days, but the frost that creeps up your legs and arms, dusting your fingertips never truly goes away.

You were addicted to his warmth, and you knew it.


Today you both have decided to stay late and work on his vocals for the new single. Work gotten derailed in favour of past stories. Him telling you about a younger Taehyung, a debut era Taehyung.

The story of your twinflame breaking a toilet on one of the sets of their music videos, begging Jimin to help him cover it up... trying to fix the toilet themselves without anyone noticing, but ultimately failing.

Sitting in your studio, you on one side of the couch with your back against the arm rest, him closer to the middle but still enough safe space in between you. He tells you about the scolding they received, when they were undoubtedly caught

You're both thrust into fits of laughter again. Leaning towards each other, unable to stop the tears from your eyes as you laugh harder.

He places his hand on your naked thigh to steady himself, you realized all too late...physical contact should be avoided at all costs. Lights flood your vision, the extreme pull of your end of the bond causing your eyes to flutter.

Your breath hitches as heat floods through your body, his hands feeling like electricity on your skin.

When you're able to refocus, you realize the position you're in. You aren't sure if you've done this, or he has, maybe even both of you.

You're now straddling his lap, his hands resting on the backs of your thighs. Your skin feels like it's on fire under his touch.

Looking down into his eyes, hands on his shoulders, you bite your bottom lip. Your senses intensify under his gaze... one he isn't trying to hide. His eyes are on your lips, licking his in response to your actions.

You feel electricity shoot through the tight knot forming in your stomach. Neither of you are pulling away. His grip tightens on the backs of your thighs forcing you closer, forcing you to be flush with his body.

In the back of your mind, you hear a voice screaming at you. You know this is disastrous, but you're losing focus again. He's hands move ever so slowly up to your hips.

Eyelids heavy, lips glistening he makes eye contact again. His eyes silently pleading for you to do something, something you know you shouldn't do. His fingers are playing dangerously with the hem of your shirt, his thumbs making contact with the skin of your hips.

You should run. Run right now, you know better than this. There's no right outcome to this situation. But you can't hear all your internal warnings, they're all being deafened but his breathing. You can feel it against your face, against your lips. Breathing it in like it's the only oxygen you've been given in your life. His heavy breathing, his eyes, his hands all make you highly aware of every inch of your body. Your thighs tense on either side of him, his breath stopping momentarily. He felt your body twitch.

But his warmth is pulling you closer. Finally the ice from your soul bond is thawing. You needed him to melt it, you needed to feel warm for the first time in months. A warmth he could only give you.

You let your eyes droop shut as you lean in. Resting your nose against his, so very close to their destination.

The thoughts sneak back in, making you hesitate. He might feel something, but it's nowhere near as drowningly intoxicating as it is for you. Your existence, riding on this moment that he is completely ignorant of. Unable to bring yourself to close the tiny gap, you shut out everything except this warmth, a warmth you covet and need to chase.

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