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The next day, Draco, Ron and I were in the library studying. My robe was around my chair so I was only wearing my uniform. I was on my third book already while Ron was is in the middle of his first and Draco was at the end of his. Ron was sitting across me while Draco was right next to me. I had my head in my hand while my other hand was free. I was close to the end of the book when I felt something touch my hand.

Draco's pov:

I look up and saw Weasley trying to hold Lily's hand. Who does he think he is!? I'm pretty sure she noticed too because when he touched her hand she pretended to scratch her head and placed her hand on the other side. I smirked at this, though I couldn't help but be jealous. So, I moved my chair closer to her and placed my arm around her shoulders.

I noticed that her facial expression did not change. I looked up to see Weasley glaring at me. I smirked at him and winked. "Can you help me with this Lily?" Ron asked her. She looked up from her book. "Sure. What is it?" She asked, politely. "Can you show me where you found your answers for the transfiguration homework?" He asked.

"Yeah it's over..." She said, flipping through the pages in his book and stopped at the right page. "Here" She said pointing on the place of the page. "Thanks" He said placing his hand oh hers. This made my stomach knot in anger. "Of course, don't mention it." She said, taking her hand back. I glare at him for what he did. I had to show him his place.

Lily sat back down on her chair then I moved closer to her and rested my chin on her shoulder. "What are you reading?" I asked. "A book about magical creatures."  She replied. "But we aren't learning about magical creatures yet." I said. "I know, but I love magical creatures so much. Especially, Hippogriffs. I wanna ride one someday. Won't that be amazing? Flying around Hogwarts on one." She beamed.

It was really adorable how much she loved magical creatures, one day I'll make her dreams come true. "It's amazing how passionate you are about this." I charmed. She looked at me and smiled. Merlin, her smile is so perfect. "I'm gonna go get another book, be right back." She said, getting up.

I watched her as she walked off to the bookshelves. "What's your game here, Malfoy?" Weasley spat causing me to look at him. "I told you Weasley. You don't stand a chance, and I was right. I'm winning this game, you blood traitor." I spat back. "You wish." He snapped.

"I don't need to wish, Weasley." I smirked. "I will be the only one able to smell her hair, to make her blush at my compliments. I'm going to be the only one to be able to feel her soft lips on mine and I will be the only one to call her mine." I finished and glared at him. Before he could reply, Lily came back and we acted like nothing happened.

Lily's POV

I came back and it seemed like nothing happened. I heard everything they said, and honestly, I don't know how I feel. I mean, Ron is my twin brother's best friend and he is also one of my best friends, and Draco, well, he is cute and all but I don't think I would like him that way. I think of Ron as a brother to me, like Fred and George. I got close to them because I help them with pulling pranks on the teachers.

I took my seat next to Draco. I placed my chin on my hand while the book is on my other hand. I'm trying to show them that I have no interest in either of them. I started to read the book and began to relax. 

I found this book about flower language. While I was read- hold on, wait what!? This just can't be. Well, Can it?! I have now found out that when Professor Snape was asking Harry about the flowers, It meant, ' I bitterly regret Lily's death.' He was talking about our mum. Obviously not me. He was apologizing. Wait, did he know my mum?

Draco's POV

When Lily didn't say anything to me or Weasley, I thought something was wrong. I stared at her for a few minutes, just admiring her features. She looks adorable all the time. Whenever she is enjoying a book or stressed about homework. I can't wait for the day I can finally call her mine. Anyways, what was I doing again?

I felt like someone was staring, not at me but at Lily and If I could feel it, I know she could too. I look up to see Weasley staring at her, dreamily, and only I can look at her like that. I waved my hand at his face to stop him. He glared at me and looked back down at his book. "So, Lily, do you have any memory dreams lately?" Weasley asked her.

Why would he ask her that. The last flashbacks she had was here parents getting murdered by You-Know-Who. He is such an idiot. "Yeah." She answered, not looking up from her book. "What was it about?" Weasley asked her. Merlin, Weasley. Stop asking questions you prick.

I could see her hands forming into a fist and her knuckles were turning white. "I-It.." She tried to speak but she just couldn't. I closed my book and got up. "Lily, can you please help me in finding a book in potions?" I said. I wanted to be alone with her, to see if she was alright.


finally an update !! Sorry I didn't update in a long time. I was busy with school. Anyways, I might update another story so please go check out my other stories!! Love you all

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