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I thought for a moment and looked back at our parents then looked at Harry as Dumbledore left. "Come on princess, let's go." He said, walking away. I looked back at the mirror, but I didn't see our parents. I saw Fred and Harry shaking hands.

That's not all, after they finished it faded to reveal two grown versions of Fred and I. He was wearing a nice tux while I was wearing my mother's wedding veil. I looked at it, shocked and confused. "Something wrong sis?" Harry asked. "Nothing... just wanted to look at them one more time." I said, lying.

"Is there a way you could get me inside the Gryffindor common room again?" I asked Harry. "Why?" "Oh, uh, I think I forgot something there from the other day." I lied. Harry nodded and we made our way to the Gryffindor common room.

We got in and Harry spoke, "I'm gonna go to bed. You can find what you left okay? Night princess." "Night Harry." Then he left. I made my way up the boys dorm to find Fred's room. I then found his room.

Fred's POV

 "Freddie, wake up." I heard as I was being shook lightly. I slightly opened my eyes to see Lily sitting on my bed, looking at me. "Lily? How did you get in? Is everything alright?" I asked, still confused how she got in. Maybe Harry let her in. 

"I need to show you something." She said. She grabbed my hand and took me to a room with a mirror in the middle. She brought me in front of it and stood in front of it. "So, what do you see?" She questioned. I looked in the mirror and saw Me and George, in front of a shop. One my other side I see... Lily and I wearing wedding rings. We were married.

There were 3 kids. A pair of twins, both girls and a boy. One of twins looks like Lily but with my eyes. Same with the other twin but she had Lily's eyes. The boy had her raven black hair while the twins had my ginger hair. 

"Does this show the future?" I questioned. I didn't mind having this as my future. I mean, Lily is very beautiful, kind, smart and everything. I wouldn't mind spending my life with her. "No, it shows our deepest desires." She said. I wanted to be with her. The image on the mirror began to fade away. We went back to the Gryffindor common room and stopped in front of the painting. 

"Sorry for waking you up for that." She said, looking into my eyes. "No problem. It was worth it to see what was in the mirror." I said, smiling. "W-What did you see?" She questioned. Did I have the confidence to tell her what I want. No, I don't..... "Now that is something you need to figure out love." I said, smirking. 

Even if it was dark, I could see her blushing. After a few minutes of looking into her eyes, I spoke. "You should go back to your room. Night Princess." I said, kissing her cheek. I said the password and climbed in. 

After the painting shut, I thought to myself. 'Did I just kiss her? Good thing it was just on the cheek.' I went back up to my room and went to sleep.

Lily's POV

He kissed my cheek.... WHAT!? After he went in the common room, I rushed back to mine. I quietly went inside my room and went to bed. I thought something before I slept... 'Do I like Fred?'

Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter! Making a long one for the next chapter. Stay Tuned!!

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