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The next morning Aunt Petunia let us out for breakfast. i went to get the mail and saw mail for... Me and Harry? But we never get mail. It said:

Harry Potter

4 Private Drive

Cupboard under the stairs

Little Whinging


Lilianne Potter

4 Private Drive

Cupboard under the stairs

Little Whinging


I walked into the kitchen and gave Uncle Vernon the rest of the mail. I went towards Harry and showed him the letter. Dudley then took the letters from me. "Dad look, the potter's got mail." He says giving them to him. 

"That's ridiculous, who would ever write to you two." He chuckled. He looked at it in horror as well as Aunt Petunia. "Go to your rooms!" "But-" "now!" Harry and I went in the cupboard and shut the door.

"What did it say? Who was it from?" Harrys asks in a whisper. "It didn't say. It just said our names and the cupboard under the stairs." I whisper back. "But that symbol on it, It made them scared for some reason." "And Uncle Vernon is right, who would be writing to us?" Harry said and I just shrugged in response.

The next few days, more and more letters came in for me and Harry. It was like whoever was sending them knew we haven't read them yet. Uncle Vernon went as far as blocking the mail slot. He burned letter after letter and I nor Harry have read a single one of them.

Once day I was putting the dishes away while Harry was offering biscuits to the Dursleys. "Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week." Uncle Vernon says. "Why is that Dudley?" he asks but Dudley just shrugged.

"Because there's no post on Sundays." Harry answers. "Right you are Harry. No blasted letter's today. No sir. Not one single bloody letter, not one." 

I finished putting the dishes away and went to the living area where they all are. Then I saw something outside the window. Harry noticed it and opened the curtain so we could see what's going on. Suddenly two letters came flying out of the fireplace and hit Uncle Vernon in the face.

Then a ton more letters came out of it. Harry and I started throwing our hands in the air trying to grab them. We both got one and switched the ones in our hands that were adressed to the other and ran down the hall. Uncle Vernon then tackled us down.

"Let go, they're our letters!" We said still trying to get our letters. "That's it! We're going away! Far away! Where they can't find us!" Uncle Vernon yelled. "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" Dudley says.

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