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We were in an old shack where the Dursley's decided to hide. I was helping Harry draw a birthday cake in the dirt saying, 'Happy Birthday Harry and Lily' with eleven candles on it. "Do you want to open your present now?" We both ask each other simultaneously.

"You got me a present?" We both said together, again. We both giggled and got them out.

Harry got me a new sketch book. "Thanks! How did you know I wanted this?" I ask beamed. "Brothers intuition I guess." He joked. I then gave him my present.

It was an old fashioned pen with a tube full of ink incase it runs out

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It was an old fashioned pen with a tube full of ink incase it runs out. "How did you get this? Where did you get the money?" He beamed. "I saved up, you're always blabbing about how much you wanted one." I joked.

We both looked at Dudley's watch on his wrist which was hanging off the couch. It beeped once it hit twelve o' clock, midnight. "Make a wish Harry." "You too Lily." We both blew out the candle.

A loud bang was heard from the door after, the Dursleys came down the stairs with a shot gun. Harry hid behind the fire place as I hide behind the couch and flipped my knife open. I heard someone break down the door.

"Sorry bout that." It was a man and it was followed by the sound of someone putting the door back. "  I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!" Uncle Vernon yelled while poiting his gun at the man.

I peaked around the corner to see what was going on. "Dry up Dursley, you great prune." said the man. He had long messy hair and a long messy beard that matched. He then bent the nozzle on the gun facing upwards. When the gun shot, the bullet went through the roof. The man then turned to Dudley.

" Boy, I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly round the middle!" He said motioning his stomach. He thought Dudley was Harry. Dudley then said, "I-I-I'm not Harry."

"I-I am." Harry said, revealing himself from his hiding spot. "Oh well, of course you are. Where's your sister?" The man asked.

Harry mentioned for me to come out from behind the couch. I got up and stood next to Harry. "There you are, beautiful, you have your mother's eyes. You look like her too." He complimented. I smiled at the comment. 

He then noticed the weapon I was holding. "You could put that away, I mean no harm after all." He said, smiling.

I carefully flipped the blade close. "Oh, I have something for you two. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point! I imagine that it'll taste fine just the same. Ahh. Baked it myself. Words and all. Heh." He said, handing us a smushed, white box. Inside of it was a pink frosted birthday cake with green letters that spells, 'Happee Birthdae Harry and Lily.' 

"Thank you." Harry and I said together. "It's not everday your young adults turn eleven, now is it?" He said. He sat down on the couch and pointed a pink umbrella at the fire. Sparks came out of it and the fireplace began to light up.

" Excuse me, who are you?" Harry asks politely. " Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Course, you'll know all about Hogwarts." He answered. "Sorry no." "No? Blimey, Harry, didn't you ever wonder where your parents learned it all?" "Learned what?" I interject. "You're a wizard Harry, and Lily, you're a witch." Hagrid said.

"What? I can't be a w-wizard." "And i'm not a witch, I'm just Lily." "And I'm just Harry." Harry finished. "Well, just Harry and Lily, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared?" Hagrid asks. 

Harry and I are just shocked.

Hargid took out two letters out of his large coat and handed them to me and Harry. I examined it, then it just hit me." I remember where I've seen it before, it was in one of my memory dreams and I saw Hagrid there too." I beamed. Harry looked at me confused.

"I have been having these dreams that shows me a memory of something. My latest one was about this school and Hagrid was there." I explain. He just nods.

I ripped open the envelope, Harry was hesitating but opened it. "Witchcraft and Wizardry," "you mean magic is actually real." Harry finished my sentence, Hagrid nodded. "They'll not be going! We swore when we took them in, we'd put a stop to this rubbish!" Uncle Vernon stated.

"You knew? You knew all along and you never told us?" Harry said, angrily. Aunt Petunia then said, "Of course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak! And then she met that Potter, and then she had you, and I knew you'd be just the same, just as strange, just as ... abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up. And we got landed with you."

I glared at her angrily. "Blown up!? You said our parents died in a car crash." I said getting choked up. Harry took my hand in his to comfort me.

Harry and I glared at them when Hagrid spoke, "A car crash!? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter!? That's an outrage, a scandal!?" Lily? That must be my mom's name. Our names our pretty similar. Lilianne and Lily. Uncle Vernon then got the courage to speak, " They'll not be going!"Oh, and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself's going to stop them, are you?" Hagrid says. 

"Muggle?" Harry and I ask at the same time. "Non Magic folk" Hagrid answers calmly. He then turns to Uncle Vernon. " These kid's had their names down ever since they were born!" He shouts. "They will be going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and they'll be under the finest headmaster that Hogwarts has ever seen: Albus Dumbledore." He says smiling. 

Me and Harry both smile hearing his name.

"I will not pay for some crackpot old fool to teach them magic tricks!" Uncle Vernon screamed. Hagrid then brings out his umbrella and points it at Uncle Vernon, threateningly.

 "Never, insult Albus Dumbledore, in front of me" Hagrid says, angrily.

Hagrid spots Dudley eating Me and Harry's cake and aims his umbrella at his rear. He fires a magic spell which made him grow a tail. "Ahhh!" Dudley screams.

The Dursleys shriek in both fright and horror, as they run out of sight. Harry and I laugh at what happened, so does Hagrid.

"Oh, um, I'd appreciate if you both didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking, I'm not allowed to do magic." We nod. He checks his pocket watch and says, "Ooh, we're a bit behind schedule. Best be off." He goes off to the door and pulls it down again, before stepping out. He turns to me and Harry. "Unless both of you would rather stay, of course. Hmm?" 

He walks out. Both me and Harry grin at the same time, looking back at the direction where the Dursleys are gone, and we grin again, before he grabs both of our jackets and gives mine. Then we joined Hagrid on our journey to London.

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