Coming Out

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"I'm nervous.... what if they, the fans, say mean things or we get hate" Dan said trying to change Phil's mind. "Dan like all of our fans ship phan or would be supportive." Phil said while setting up the camera. They were getting ready for a video more specifically a coming out video. Fans have already come up with many fanfictions of them coming out but it was finally happening. The day that they come out (aka the day tumblr
explodes.) Phil was a bit nervous as well but he hid it better than Dan because he knew this needed to be done. Phil kissed Dan to assure him it would be okay.

Phil started recording and sat on his usual spot on his bed. "Hey guys so I'm guessing by the title you have already thrown your phone or other object twice in fangirling but yes this is real and no you are not dreaming or reading fanfiction come over here Dan." Dan nervously came into view "Hey guys...". "Oh come on Dan don't be so nervous" said Phil. "Anyway as you have guessed or are hoping we are not lying or gonna make this sound different than what the title says yes this is a coming out video." Dan was sitting on Phil's bed trying to act natural this wasn't scripted or planned out which made Dan even more nervous he had no idea what to say he tried planning it out while Phil spoke but he either was too nervous to focus or was distracted by Phil's beauty.

"Me and Dan have been dating for 3 years and- okay as you can see Dan here." Dan looked up. "Is very nervous about getting hate by stupid people of the internet or losing subscribers for being gay and can you help me explain to him that those people who unsubscribe because of you being gay then they were not a real fan and that they will miss an amazingly good person because they stopped watching them just because of him liking men." Phil looked proud of what he said but that came to an end when Dan with no warning kissed Phil.

Later on after the recording Dan was trying to ignore that he had just made that video and tried to just focus on his video game but he couldn't he knew Phil was in the room editing the video and was soon to be posted. He sat up straight when he realized he hasn't made the tweet about the video being made.

"Just made a video with Phil I think you all will like this one"

Few seconds later Dan heard a little buzz come from the room. "Did you get my tweet?" He laughed. "Yeah couldn't you put any effort into it like a small hint" he shouted back. "Hey can you come here for a minute Dan?" Dan sighs as he gets up. "Yes sweetie" he walked in to see Phil with his glasses on and the computer screen paused at the kiss. "I finally don't have to edit out the kissing!" Dan laughed as he walked over to Phil and kissed him on the forehead.

Later around 3 am Dan was wide awake on tumblr as usual but what wasn't so usual was seeing unphotoshopped pictures of him and Phil kissing.

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