Alora nodded and stood before hesitantly walking towards Macha. "My head hurts," she whimpered with tears in her eyes.

"Aww, ya poor dear," the Goddess said before touching Alora's forehead as light shined from her fingers. "I'm gonna fix that right up." The blood on Alora's face disappeared and the cut on her forehead sealed shut before completely healing. "There we go, not even a scar. Ya feel better now?"

Alora nodded and wiped her nose. "Yes, thank you."

Macha glanced at the inside of the carriage, studying the green and gold leather padded seats. "Wow! Ya kids got it made!" she laughed. "What a luxurious vehicle!" She looked at a front wheel and cringed when she saw how broken it was. "Too bad it's broken, though."

"It self repairs," Cahira muttered sadly.

"Really?!" Macha asked with excitement in her voice. One of the kids popped open one of the seats to show a console box of buttons and switches. The child pressed a blue button and the wheel creaked and shifted before shaping itself back in proper order. Some dents on the carriage bent and righted themselves as well and the rein rails got fixed up. "That's amazing!" Macha laughed in astonishment. "We should get it back up."

"Children," Dubh began. "Please get out so we can get the carriage back up." One by one, Dubh and Macha helped the rest of the children get out, then Cahira jumped down from Dubh and backed up as the goddess and the wolf shoved the carriage upright. It squeaked and wobbled once it was up, but then it settled and Dubh directed all the children back into the carriage. "Remember to check your straps."

"I didna know ya were so protective, Dubh," Macha said with a smile as she tried to scratch his head.

Dubh snapped his jaws at her hand but she pulled back just in time with a giggle. "Don't try to get friendly with me!" he growled.

"Touchy, touchy," Macha mocked with a grin. "Such a grouchy little pup ya are."

"I'm not a little pup!" he shouted in her face angrily. "Now get in the carriage, Macha!"

"What ever for?" she laughed.

"You're my prisoner!"

Macha threw her head back as she cackled maniacally, resting a palm to her chest. "Ya really think I'm going tah let ya take me prisoner? Yer so adorable!"

"Dubh! Be nice!" Cahira scolded.

"Why should I?!" he snapped.

"Gee, I dunno, maybe because she saved our lives?!" she spat sarcastically.

Macha blew on her fingernails and scraped them against her robe before giving Dubh a smug expression. "Yer welcome, by the way," Macha said.

Dubh gave the goddess a brief glare before sighing and rolling his eyes. "Fine. Thank you. Now get out of here before I change my mind."

Macha cleared her throat. "Oh, I'm still coming with ya."

Dubh gave her a suspicious look. "I beg your pardon?"

"I feel I should at least escort ya back tah where it's safe," Macha explained. "Those machines might come back if I leave ya on yer own."

With a hum, Dubh looked off to the side. The woman had a point. "Very well," he said before looking back at her in defeat. "Get in."

The door opened and Macha climbed in, taking a seat near the front. Dubh watched her get strapped in and he trotted to his rails before placing himself between them. Once he was secured to the carriage, Dubh pulled it with his strength and got to jogging.

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