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Once Lilly got to the Dragon Palace, she took a side alley to start climbing on the very tall and expensive building, but she stopped herself and hummed to tap her chin.  She sighed and squatted down a little before jumping up with all her might.  She went up past the roof a ways and groaned before landing with a loud thunk on the roof of the building.  Hopefully no one heard that.

Lilly sighed and adjusted her braid before brushing off her black button up shirt and black pants.  She crept across the roof of the building, looking over the edge for the window of Mr. Ly's office.  Once she got her bearings, she leaned over the edge to peer into the window before flipping back and landing on the patio rail.  Lilly backed up a little and crouched in the shadows as she watched Mr. Ly, Vu, and some unknown persons converse.  She could see all but one clearly.


Mr. Ly smiled as he poured more whiskey.  "It's a good thing you gave me more than one bottle, Mr. Lewis," he said.  "Mrs. Morgan pretty much drained the first one.

Mr. Lewis, a handsome man with slicked back short light blonde hair, light blue eyes, a clean shaven face, a strong jawline and chin, full lips, high cheekbones and fair skin was sitting in front of the desk along with his associates.  The man to Mr. Lewis' left was also a handsome man with medium length brown hair, green eyes, a roman nose, a freckle on his left cheek, puffy lips and a playful gleam in his eye.  On Mr. Lewis right was a mysterious looking woman with long white hair with black stripes, braided back in a very long braid.  Her eyes were amber colored and she was almost fragile looking, if it weren't for the fact that she was decked out in black leather armor and a hood, along with an assortment of weapons strapped to her body in sheaths.

Mr. Lewis adjusted his blue puff tie and chuckled.  "Yes, that does sound like an Irish person," he said in a Welsh accent, looking at the man beside him.  "Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Hughes?"

Mr. Hughes nodded as he puffed from his cigar.  "Yes, I would agree," the man also said in a Welsh accent.  "The Irish are such a...colorful folk."

Everyone except the woman took drinks from their whiskey and Mr. Ly poured more before sitting down.  "Yes, Lilly is very...colorful.  I first heard about her when she arrived in China a while back.  Caused quite a stir with her outlandish behavior, but...she learned our Asian ways and now applies them.  When it suits her, of course."

Mr. Lewis smiled.  "What ever do you mean?"

Mr. Ly took a drink of whiskey.  "In Vietnamese culture, it is very rude to...act flamboyantly, especially a woman.  But she's a highly respected warrior and acts as she sees fit.  People have gotten accustomed to her behavior and see it as...well, divine, really."

Mr. Lewis cocked his head, looking intrigued.  "Hmm.  Sounds about right."

Mr. Ly studied Mr. Lewis, noticing the bracelet on his wrist and the necklace around his neck.  "Family heirlooms?"

"Hmm?"  Mr. Lewis looked down at his jewelry and chuckled.  "Oh, these.  Yes, they were my mother's."

"Hmm, interesting."

Mr. Lewis nodded but his eyes flicked to the window behind Mr. Ly.  He saw a flash of red hair and stood suddenly.  He laughed happily and started walking to the window.

"What is it?" Mr. Ly asked.

Mr. Lewis sighed.  "We have an audience."  He looked at the woman in the room.  "Miss White, did you know Mrs. Morgan was here?"

Miss White nodded.  "Yes, but she is no threat."

Vu groaned and rubbed his face.  "Why she not stay at my house?"

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