A Cracked Soul

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The Morrigan had been sleeping peacefully when she was woken up by a raging goddess slamming her fists on the magic cage.

"You conniving little cunt!" Appa screeched.  "I should cut your head off and let you bleed!"

The Morrigan, after having been startled, cleared her throat and wiped her eyes.  "What didn't I do this time?" she asked, sounding sleepy and bored.

"Your fucking daughter!  What is she?!"

The redheaded goddess raised a brow in question.  "Which daughter?  I have more than one."

"You know which one I'm referring to!" Apate shouted.  "The half breed!"

Morrigan cackled with laughter.  "Oh, you poor thing," she mocked before standing up.  "Is my little girl proving to be too much for you, Appa?"

Apate growled and slammed her fist on the shield.  "What is she?!"

"A demigod, obviously.  Nothing more, nothing less," The Morrigan replied with a smirk.  "Why?  Did something happen?"

"You know full well that it did, liar!"

"Do I?  I have been your prisoner for who knows how long and I have not been able to see anything into the past, present, or future, so why don't you tell me what my child did?"

"She ate Corvin and Rose!"

"Hmm," The Morrigan said.  "Well, I must say, Corvin had that coming in spades, but who is Rose?"

"Lilly's wolf!"

The Morrigan sighed heavily.  "Seriously, how many Ethereal Wolves is Cernunnos going to give her?"

Apate blinked in surprise.  "You...ha!  You really don't know, do you?"


"Rose is Lilly!" Appa growled loudly.  "Her soul cracked and Rose became one of Lilly's forms!"

The Morrigan narrowed her eyes.  "How did her soul crack?!" she hissed as she walked up to the carrier and banged on it angrily.  "What did you do to my daughter?!"

Appa smirked evily.  "This particular thing, I did nothing.  It would have cracked eventually, but the catalyst that caused it to happen?  Oh ho ho," she chuckled.  "It went better than planned."

"At least until something else happened that you're angry about," The Goddess of Death pointed out.

The dark haired woman sneered at her captive in disgust.  "Do I have to torture the information out of you?"

"Oh yes, because that worked so well last time," The Morrigan replied, once again sounding bored.  "Did Olena ever heal from that, by the way?"

"Why do you even care?"

"Because she was like a daughter to me once, and I know she and Carman are being manipulated by your heavy influence."

Apate sighed with a heavy frown.  "Yes, she made a full recovery."

"Good."  The Morrigan tilted her head.  "Do you love them?"

"Shut up!" Appa snarled.  "Do not distract me!  What is Lilly?!"

"A demigod, I just told you," The Morrigan replied calmly.

"Horseshit!  I will find out what she is and I will tear out her soul and burn it to ash!" Appa yelled before walking out of the room and slamming the door shut.

The Morrigan let herself smile a little.  "I do not know what you did, Lilly, but keep doing it," she said quietly.


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