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A few days after we got back to Danville, Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet came over to help Phineas with a project, and I couldn't wait to tell them about my engagement. "Hey guys. Sorry I'm late, I stopped by my dad's to get us all some of my dad's signature bratwurst on my way over from my mom's. It's delicious," I said as I walked into the backyard. "Cool. Thanks Vanessa," Phineas said, taking the bag of bratwurst I had in my hand and handing everyone a bratwurst. "So, Ferb and I have some news that we would like to share with you all," I said, and everyone's attention turned to me and Ferb. I lifted my right hand so that my engagement ring was on full display to the others. "Ferb and I are getting married!" I said excitedly, and everyone congratulated us on our engagement, including Candace, who had heard the news through her open bedroom window. She came down to join us in the backyard with her friend Stacy a few minutes later, amd we exchanged hugs. "Do you want to be my maid of honor?" I asked Candace. "Of course I do!" She replied excitedly. I then asked Stacy and Isabella to be my bridesmaids, and they both agreed. Ferb asked Phineas to be his best man, which Phineas accepted. He also asked Baljeet and Buford to be his groomsmen, which they both accepted.

"I still feel like this whole thing is just a dream," I told Ferb when we were alone later in the day. "So do I, Nessa," he said. I smiled at him, and he snuggled up next to me. I put my arm around his shoulders and laid my head on his shoulder. "At the same time, I know that it's all real, and I wouldn't have it any other way," I told him, bringing a smile to his face. "Neither would I," he replied. I closed my eyes and began softly humming to myself. We had already decided to have the wedding after Phineas and the others had graduated from high school. I was glad that my dad had finally accepted that I wasn't going to be with anyone but Ferb, and he supported us, too. I reflected on everything that we had done together, and I wouldn't change it for the world. "I love you, Ferbs," I said. "I love you too, Nessa," he replied.

Three years later...

I had butterflies in my stomach as I got ready. Isabella, Stacy and Candace were all helping me out, and Candace pointed out that I seemed jittery. "I don't get it. Why am I so nervous about this?" I asked. "It's a natural feeling. I felt the same way before I married Jeremy," Candace said. "Really?" I asked her. "Yeah. Still, I'm happy that my brother found someone that he can be happy with," she said. "Yeah. I'm happy that I have him. He's such a sweet guy," I said. We put the finishing touches on my makeup, then Candace put my veil on before she left with Stacy and Isabella to wait for me to walk down the aisle. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror, fixed a few errant strands of hair, and went out to my dad, who looked like he was trying not to cry. "Hey Dad," I said. "Oh, Vanessa. You look amazing. I'm glad that you found someone who makes you happy and brightens your day and all of that nonsense. Seeing you happy makes me happy," he said. "Thanks. Let's not keep everyone waiting, okay?" I asked. "Okay, pumpkin," he said, and we walked down the aisle together, arm-in-arm.


When I saw Vanessa, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked perfect, and when she joined me at the altar, I happened to notice out of the corner of my eye that the priest wasn't there. It seemed that Vanessa's dad noticed the same thing, and he looked around the room trying to find the priest. Before I could react, he was suddenly standing where the priest was supposed to be. "Dad? I didn't know you were qualified to perform a marriage," Vanessa said. "It's amazing, the kind of things you can do using the Internet," he replied, clearing his throat and starting the ceremony.


"Then, by the power vested in me by the Tri-State Area, I now pronounce you Ferb and wife. You may kiss the bride," Dr. D said, and I pulled Vanessa into a kiss. When we separated, I was surprised when the entire layout of the floor changed into a dance floor. I gave Phineas a quick look, and he winked at me. I led Vanessa onto the dance floor, and we started dancing. At one point, she danced with her dad while I danced with Candace. I could tell that everyone was having fun, and I was happier than I had ever been, since I was now able to call Vanessa my wife.


The day after the wedding, we picked up our luggage from Dad's place and left for the airport to begin our honeymoon. We were going to go on a tour of Europe, ending in Ferb's native England. I was looking forward to visiting England with Ferb, and I knew that we would have a ton of fun on our honeymoon.


It's hard to believe that the Queen is gone. GSTQ. Rest in peace, Queen Elizabeth II. Until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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