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After about a month or so, Isabella had told me that she believed I had a crush on Ferb, something that I initially denied rather passionately, but the harder she pressed, the harder it became for me to continue to deny it. "Alright, alright! I admit it, okay? I have a crush on Ferb. I don't know how I'm supposed to tell him, though. I mean, technically, I'm gonna be an adult in two years," I said. "Hey guys, come see what Ferb made!" Phineas suddenly called from the garage, and we all gathered in the garage. Ferb was standing proudly next to a sort of ray gun mounted on a little tripod, and I was secretly very proud of him. Phineas explained that the device was meant to reverse what had happened to me when I became thirteen again, and I realized that if I wanted to tell Ferb about my feelings for him, I had to do it now. "Um... can I talk to Ferb? Alone?" I asked, and the others went to the kitchen, leaving me alone with Ferb. "Ferb, I have something to tell you..." I said, and Ferb blinked twice. "Gosh, I'm so nervous about this... um... I..." I started to say, but then my voice decided that it was the perfect time to leave me. "Vanessa, I have something to tell you as well," he said in a quiet voice. "Can you go first?" I asked him, and he nodded. "I love you, Vanessa," he said, and it was my turn to look at him with wide eyes. "I... I love you too, Ferb," I said, and I started wondering if I wanted to go back to looking sixteen. Ferb almost seemed to understand what I was thinking, because he cleared his throat and said, "Vanessa, I will love you no matter what, if you're thirteen or sixteen. How old you are doesn't matter to me. I love you for you." I smiled and blushed, then I realized how close we were to each other. I decided to close the remaining distance between us, and I kissed him softly.

When we separated, Ferb was blushing bright red, and I was pretty sure that I was as well. I went to tell the others that they could come back to the garage with us, and I got ready for Ferb to hit me with the ray that would hopefully return me to my normal self. Ferb gave me a thumbs up, and Isabella gave me an encouraging look. I nodded to show that I was ready, and a few moments later, a soft purple light surrounded me, and I could feel myself returning to normal. My arms and legs grew longer, and my outfit felt uncomfortably tight, so Phineas left to ask Candace if I could borrow one of her outfits for the day. He came back with one of Candace's usual outfits, a red top and a white skirt, then everyone left the garage so I could change my clothes. I walked into the kitchen to join the others, who were talking about what they were going to do today, and I remembered something that I saw on my way over. "Can I make a suggestion?" I asked. "Sure Vanessa," Phineas said. "Well, I passed the Danville racetrack on my way over, and I saw a sign that was advertising a race this afternoon. Maybe we could enter the race with a modified car," I suggested. "That's a great idea! We can trick out Mom's car again!" Phineas said, and Ferb's eyes seemed to light up. "Actually, I was thinking we could trick out my car," I said just as Candace and her friend Stacy entered the room. "Hey guys, can you get my car? It's parked outside my dad's apartment building," I said. "Sure, Vanessa. We'll be right back," Candace replied with a smile.

While they were gone, I helped Ferb get some tools from the garage, and Stacy put my car in the garage so we could work on it, like she knew what we were doing. After working on my car with Ferb for about a half hour, I began to wonder when the others would come in and help us. "I thought that the others would be in here helping us by now," I commented. "Actually, I gave Phineas a different idea to keep him occupied for a while so we could work on this together," he said. "Like a date?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. "If you want it to be," he said. "This isn't exactly how I pictured it, but I don't care. I'm just happy to be with you," I said, and Ferb smiled while he adjusted a few things on the suspension of my car. "Do you want to build something together?" He asked out of the blue. "I thought that's what we were doing?" I asked him. "No, this is just modifications. I was thinking that we could build a wing to put on the back of your car to keep it on the ground at high speeds," he said, and I smiled and accepted the offer.

Just before lunch, Ferb and I were almost finished with my car. The last thing that we had to do was put our custom-built wing on the back, and I took the right side while Ferb took the left. Once the wing was installed, we took a few steps back to admire our finished product. "It looks beautiful," I said with a warm smile. "I agree, but it's not as beautiful as you," Ferb said, making me blush. We joined the rest of the gang in the kitchen for lunch, and Isabella asked me how it went with Ferb. "Well, it wasn't what I'd normally consider a date, but I had a lot of fun. We built the car's rear wing together, and we put some personal touches on it," I said. "That's really sweet. I never thought of you as someone who'd enjoy building things, and I certainly didn't think that anyone would be more passionate about building things than Ferb," Isabella replied. "I guess I got the interest in building stuff from my dad. He's always building some sort of weird contraption. Most of them end up exploding at the end of the day, though," I said, and since it was almost too late to enter the race, we all squeezed into my car and drove to the racetrack.

We made it just in time to enter the race, and we were directed to the pits. I stopped where one of the officials told me to, and everyone got out except for me. I stopped Ferb just as he was about to join Phineas and the others and asked him to be my spotter for the race. "Sure. Will you be my girlfriend, Vanessa?" He asked me in response, and I nodded. "By the way, I once told you that my name is short for something. It's actually short for Ferbs. I just thought that you should know," he said. "Thanks. I've been trying to figure that out since you told me your name was short for something," I replied. "Go get 'em, Nessa," he said, and I chuckled at the nickname. "Thanks Ferbs. Hopefully we'll be celebrating in victory lane at the end of this thing," I said. He gave me a quick kiss for good luck, then headed to the spotter's stand high above the track.

The race began rather calmly, without much fighting for position. It seemed like everyone was more focused on preserving their cars for later in the race. At the first pit stop, I was really starting to feel the summer heat, and I didn't know if I could make it through the whole race. Luckily for me, my car is a convertible, so I simply put the top up and turned on the air conditioning before heading back out on track. Little did I know, I wouldn't make it to the end of the race.

Around halfway through the race, Ferb informed me that a few cars had crashed on the back straightaway of the track. I went to hit the brakes to try to avoid the accident, but as soon as I pressed it, the brake pedal went straight to the floor, meaning that I had no brakes. "Ferb, I've got no brakes! I'm just gonna have to try my best to avoid the wreck," I told him over the radio built into my helmet. When I came to the wreck, I moved to the bottom line of the track to avoid it, but I realized a moment too late that I should've gone around the outside. Another car that had been involved in the crash, but sustained relatively minor damage compared to some of the other cars, turned down into my path, and there was nothing I could do to avoid it. I hit the other car at a pretty quick pace, and the impact was hard enough that I felt the back of my car lift into the air a bit. The last thing I saw before everything went dark was another car sliding towards mine.


The next chapter is going to probably be partly told from Ferb's perspective and partly from Vanessa's perspective. Until next time!

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