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Two years later...

A few days after I graduated from high school, Ferb told me that he and Phineas were planning something special for my upcoming eighteenth birthday, but he refused to elaborate no matter how much I pressed the issue. I couldn't wait to find out what they were planning for me, but at the same time, I was nervous about telling Ferb about my plans.

When I got up on June 15th, my birthday, I couldn't find Dad anywhere. I searched for him until I had to leave for the Flynn-Fletcher's house. When I got there, Ferb was waiting for me in front of the house. Despite being three years older than he was, he was taller than I was. He led me to the backyard, and when he opened the gate, I saw something that brought me to tears. The entire backyard seemed to be covered with pictures from throughout my life, and I walked through the entire display hand-in-hand with Ferb. "Oh, this is so sweet, Ferbs. I love it," I said over and over again as we walked.

When we reached the end of it, I noticed that Ferb was looking at me with concern or something. "What is it, Ferbs?" I asked him. "You seem like you have something on your mind, Nessa," he said. "Well, there is something on my mind, and I'm a little nervous about telling you," I said. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?" He asked. "Yeah, I know. This is something that'll change our relationship in a big way," I said, and Ferb's jaw dropped. "You're not -" he started to say, but I stopped him as I realized what he was about to say, and considering that my dad was nearby, I couldn't risk him saying the wrong thing. "No! No way! Of course not! We're not at that stage of our relationship yet!" I said quietly, covering his mouth with my hand. "Then what is it?" He asked. "Well, this fall, I'm going to college," I said, scratching the back of my head. "That's not so bad," he said. "I'm not finished yet. I got accepted to a college that I was really hoping to get into, but it's out-of-state, so we wouldn't be able to see each other in person very often," I explained, and he almost looked hurt by what I had told him. "Ferbs, I don't want to hurt your feelings by going to college out-of-state. I was really excited when I found out I'd been accepted to the college I really wanted to attend," I said. "It's fine, I get it," he said simply, then I got an idea. "You know, it's a technical school. Maybe once you graduate from high school, we can go to the same school," I said, and he smiled at me. "I'd like that," he said. "I kinda thought you would," I replied with a smile.

Of course, my dad had to walk over at that point and ask what we were talking about. "Relax, Dad. Ferb and I were just talking about going to college together when he graduates from high school in a few years," I explained. "But you don't know if their acceptance thing would allow you to wait three years," Dad replied. "Dad, relax. If I don't get into the same college in a few years, I'm not that worried about it," I replied. "But you've wanted to go to that college since you were in middle school!" He said. "Dad, please. I don't wanna make a scene," I said, because I could already feel several pairs of eyes on us now. "Besides, you're both young and all that. Maybe going to that college this year would help you broaden your horizons a bit, maybe you'll find someone your age that you like more than Derb," Dad said, and I'd about had enough of it. "Dad, his name is Ferb. How many times do I have to tell you and Mom that? Besides, neither me nor Ferb care about the age difference. We love each other, and we're happy together, so just... ugh!" I said, throwing my hands in the air and storming off inside.


"Hey kid, do you know what just happened? I'm still trying to process it," Vanessa's father said. "I think that I do, but if you'll excuse me, I have to go check on her," I said, leaving Dr. D behind and going inside after Vanessa. I searched the whole house, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I was about to give up when I heard a noise coming from the entrance to Candace's panic room. I went over to it and pressed my ear to the floor where the entrance was. I heard what sounded like someone sobbing, and I decided to enter the panic room without hesitation. I had never been in there before, and I hadn't anticipated it to be such a long distance down. Eventually, I reached the panic room and found Vanessa sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up to her chest, hugging them with her arms. "Nessa?" I asked quietly, and she looked up at me. "F-Ferbs? What are you doing down here?" She asked me. "I was worried about you. You just stormed away from me and your dad, and I wanted to see if you were okay," I said. "Thanks for checking on me. I really needed it," she said, and I smiled. "I'm sorry for whatever upset you," I said, and she looked sad. "It's just... my parents don't like me going out with you. They never really have. Not to mention that they keep getting your name wrong," she explained. "My parents don't like me going out with you either. They want me to try to go out with someone my own age, but I have eyes only for you," I said, and she blushed and gave me a watery smile. "I'm so blessed to have you in my life. I can't imagine my life being any other way," she said. "Do you want to go back to your party? Everyone's probably worried about us," I said.


When we got back to the party, Dad came over and hugged me. "I'm sorry, honey. I should've kept my thoughts to myself," he said. "It's fine, Dad, really. I know that sometimes you don't know when to keep your thoughts to yourself," I said with a kind smile. "Well, I guess that I'll just go get some punch. You guys want anything?" He asked, turning to leave for the punch bowl. "Actually, I want to talk to you about an idea that I had," I said. "Ok, what is it?" Dad asked. "Maybe it would be a good idea for you and Ferb to spend some time together, try and get closer, you know?" I suggested. "Honey, I'm practically old enough to be his grandfather. I'm not sure what we'd do together," Dad said. "I know exactly what you guys can do together. You know how you've been complaining lately that you haven't had a project in a while?" I asked. "Yeah. Where are you going with this?" He asked. "Maybe you and Ferb could work on a project together," I said. "Hmm... You're right. When are you available, Ferb?" Dad asked. "Does tomorrow work for you?" Ferb asked. "Yeah, of course it does. Tentatively, of course. I have another job too. Speaking of which," he said, looking down at his watch. "Okay. See you later, Dad," I said, giving him a hug. "I love you," he said. "I love you too Dad," I replied as he left.


I have nothing to put here, really. Until next time!

When Worlds Collide 《Ferbnessa》Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum