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The next morning, I found Dad working on some new Inator and decided not to bother him about it, leaving him a note telling him that I had gone to Candace's house instead. I was wearing an old black dress that I used to love when I was originally thirteen, and I had braided the rose I had received the previous evening into my hair. The walk to the Flynn-Fletcher house was quite peaceful and refreshing, and I made a mental note to walk to places more often. Secretly, I was also really looking forward to getting to see Ferb again, which I didn't really understand. I kept telling myself that I was only looking forward to seeing him because we were friends, even though I really only half believed it. Then a thought crossed my mind: before I saw the rose, I saw a brief flash of green disappear over the balcony. What if Ferb had been the one who left the rose on my pillow? Shortly after coming to that realization, I arrived at the Flynn-Fletcher's house and knocked on the door. To my surprise, it wasn't Candace who answered the door, but Ferb, who greeted me with his usual wide-eyed expression. "Hello Vanessa. You're here earlier than normal today," he said in a British accent, and I noticed that the entire time he spoke, his eyes never left the rose in my hair. "I didn't really feel like hanging around my dad and whatever evil Inator he was building," I said. "I'm not sure if the machine he's building is actually evil or not. Of course, then again, I don't know your father very well," Ferb said. "You're awfully talkative this morning," I said. "You make me feel comfortable with talking about stuff, Vanessa," he said, and at that moment, I realized that he didn't remember bumping into me at the blueprint shop three years ago. "You know, I think that we've bumped into each other before," I said. "You do?" He asked me curiously. "Yeah. I think it was about three years ago in a blueprint shop," I said, and his eyes somehow grew wider. "You were the girl I bumped into that day? I didn't realize that the other day," he said, and I smiled a little bit shyly. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something else, but abruptly closed it when he heard his stepbrother Phineas enter the room. "Hey Vanessa. You're here early," he said. "Yeah, I guess I was just really looking forward to hanging out with you guys today," I said.

A little while later, Phineas, Ferb and I were in the backyard brainstorming what the day's project should be. It was at that point that I noticed that Ferb looked like he'd hardly gotten any sleep the night before. "Ferb, did you get enough sleep last night?" I asked him. "He was up until almost four AM working on something in the garage. It's a wonder that he didn't wake up the rest of the family," Phineas explained. "Ferb, please promise me that you'll get some sleep, okay?" I asked him, and he nodded slightly. "I know what we're gonna do today!" Phineas suddenly exclaimed, making me jump. "Sorry about that, Vanessa. I didn't mean to scare you," he said. "It's fine, Phineas. What do you have in mind?" I asked him. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see what you imagine become real?" Phineas asked me. "Yeah, I suppose I have wondered that before," I replied. Phineas proceeded to explain his idea to accomplish his goal. Isabella arrived pretty soon after he finished, and he gave her a brief explanation of his idea. Buford arrived about an hour later with Baljeet over his shoulder, and we were able to finish Phineas' imagination glasses, as he called them, before lunch.

After we had lunch, we went back out to the backyard to try out the glasses. I put on my pair, and everything changed. There were a lot of things related to being tough and stuff, which I took to mean that I was seeing Buford's imagination. "This is what you imagine, Buford?" Phineas asked from nearby. "Yeah. You got a problem with that, dinnerbell?" Buford asked him back. Phineas didn't respond, and we all took some time to explore our virtual surroundings before they transformed. Baljeet's imagination was pretty much just him reading all of the books he could get his hands on, and we didn't spend much time in his imagination. Next was my imagination, which was kind of a mess of different things, from following in my father's footsteps to hanging out with Ducky Momo, and even creating my own rock band. Everyone agreed that my imagination was really cool, then we moved on to Isabella's imagination, followed by Phineas'. When we reached Ferb's imagination, it was predictably filled with all sorts of gadgets and inventions, but that wasn't what got my attention. Instead, it was a massive statue right in the middle of all the gadgets and whatnot, depicting Ferb and a girl who looked strangely familiar to me from somewhere.

Abruptly, everything went back to normal, with no trace of our imagination glasses anywhere. I found it pretty bizarre, and then I noticed Candace standing next to me. "Allow me to introduce you to my friend, the mysterious force," she said, and I started laughing really hard. "You know, Ferb was really talkative this morning when I got here," I said, looking at him for a moment. "Really? He actually said more than one sentence?" Candace asked me. "Yeah. I think he said seven sentences before Phineas came downstairs," I said, catching myself still looking at Ferb. "Well, I suppose I should probably head home. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure. It's nice having you coming over every day, Vanessa," Candace replied with a smile. "I enjoy coming over here every day," I said. I waved goodbye to Phineas, Ferb, and the others and set off home.


This story is really starting to come together, isn't it? I've always thought that Vanessa and Ferb are a cute couple, and I can't really see either of them being with anyone else. Anyway, until next time!

When Worlds Collide 《Ferbnessa》Where stories live. Discover now