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It had been several weeks since I last heard from my dad, who was off somewhere for his work with O.W.C.A, the Organization Without A Cool Acronym. I was worried about him, not sure what to do to take my mind off of him. Well, that is, until Ferb called me over to share some news with me.

"Hey Ferbs. What's up? You said that you had some important news to tell me," I said when I got to his house. "Yes, please come in," he said standing aside to let me in. I walked in and sat down on the couch, folding my hands over each other and crossing my knees. "Okay Nessa, remember how we were talking about going to the same college once I graduated from high school?" He asked. "Yeah," I said, confused about what he was getting at. "Well, I found out yesterday that I graduated early because of my outstanding knowledge," he said, and I realized that he meant that we could go to college together this year. "Ferbs, I don't know what to say..." I said. "You don't have to say anything, Nessa. I know how much you want to go to that college, and now we can both go this fall," he said, and I didn't know how to tell him what I had decided to do. "Listen, I'm really happy that you graduated early, but I got to thinking recently about the whole college thing," I said, and he kind of looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, we both know so much about mechanics and technical stuff, and we already make a great team. What if we didn't go to college? At least not yet?" I asked. "I can see the benefits of not going to college right away. For one thing, it means we can spend more time together without having to worry about school. We also don't have to worry about student debt," he said. "I didn't even think about that part," I said.

We discussed what we could do to find my dad, and agreed that if we hadn't heard from him in the next few days, we would go looking for him. Sure enough, a few days passed, and still nothing from my dad. I packed some stuff into a pair of suitcases and put them in the back of my car, then left to get Ferb. I had barely been in front of his house for a minute when I started hearing raised voices, so I decided to go in and see what the noise was about. As soon as I walked in the door, Ferb's parents started yelling at me, too, saying things like I was putting him in unnecessary danger, and a bunch of other stuff. I felt someone sneak past me and out of the door, and I knew it was Ferb somehow. I shouted something at his parents about them being unfair in regards to what Ferb wanted, and then I left, joining him in my car. I was just about to leave when Phineas came out of the house carrying a small gift bag. "Thank goodness I caught you. You almost left this behind, bro," he said, handing Ferb the gift bag, which he quickly put into one of his suitcases. We waved goodbye to Phineas and set off to find my dad.

A short time into our trip, Ferb called O.W.C.A, who I didn't even realize had a phone number, and he told me that my dad's last known location was somewhere in the middle of the desert, and he gave me the coordinates to put into the custom navigation system he had built into my car. We would be gone for a while, since we didn't know if my dad had moved somewhere else or had been captured, and the desert was a while away in the first place.

It took us a few days to reach the place where my dad was last known to be, and I happened to notice a tower that looked very much out of place. "If I had to guess, I'd say that he's in that tower," Ferb said. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. What kind of defenses do you think it has?" I asked him. "Likely several random laser grids, probably crawling with security guards and/or security robots. There might even be some automated weapons on some floors as well," he said, and my heart sank. "What do we do now?" I asked. "I packed a few things to help us deal with virtually anything that comes our way," he said, getting one of his suitcases from the trunk of the car. While he was taking some gadgets out of the suitcase, I happened to see the same gift bag that he'd nearly forgotten to bring, and I thought I saw a small black box inside. I told myself to focus on rescuing my dad from his captor.

Interestingly, Ferb had predicted every single kind of defenses that the tower had, so we got through them with relative ease. When we found my dad, he was tied to a chair by his arms and his legs. "Vanessa! Ferb! You came to save me!" He said gleefully. "But you see, Doofenshmirtz, their efforts will fail," a voice said from the darkness. "If I were you, Rodney, I'd think twice before you mess with my daughter and her boyfriend," Dad said darkly. "How many times must I tell you that I prefer to be called by my full name, Aloyse Everheart Elizabeth Otto Wolfgang Hypatia Gunther Galen Gary Cooper von Roddenstein?" Rodney asked heatedly. "As many times as you want, because I won't call you by your full name. Partly because I already forgot most of it," Dad said. Since Rodney was distracted, I snuck around behind him and swiftly kicked his legs out from under him, and Ferb pointed his heavily modified drill at Rodney. "As if a simple power tool would be enough to scare me," he said, moving to get up, but then Ferb activated the extra features of his drill, which included a small flamethrower. That sent Rodney scurrying backwards to the wall, allowing me to free my dad. Some O.W.C.A agents arrived to take Rodney into custody, while Dad, Ferb and I went to my car. Just as Ferb was about to put his tools back in his suitcase, he paused before pulling out the small gift bag sitting within and handing it to me. I carefully pulled out a rather fancy envelope, as well as a small black box. I opened the box first, discovering a beautiful sapphire ring inside. "Ferbs, this is beautiful. I love it," I said, then opened the envelope. There was a single piece of paper within with two simple words written on it.

Look up.

I looked up at the sky just as a biplane flew into view and began to spell out a message with that weird smoke that some planes use during stunts. When the biplane was finished, I gasped at the message that it had written in the sky.

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, will you marry me? - F

I didn't even need to think of what to say to him. "Yes, of course I'll marry you, Ferbs," I said, letting him put the sapphire ring on my finger before I kissed him. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that an old man who greatly resembled Ferb was now standing beside my dad, who wiped a tear from his eye. "Thanks Granddad," Ferb said to the old man. "It was no trouble, my boy. I was delighted to receive your call and was all too happy to assist you with your proposal to this lovely young woman here," Ferb's grandpa said. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, and that's my dad, Heinz Doofenshmirtz," I said, gesturing to my dad. "My name's Reginald Fletcher, but most people just call me Reg. Welcome to the family," he said, checking his watch. "Oh, dear. I'm terribly sorry, but I'd best be off. See you soon!" Reg said, climbing back into his biplane. "Cheery-bye!" He added as he took to the sky. I waved at him as he went, then the three of us got into my car to head home.


Hey everyone. I have no idea what that smoke that's sometimes used in aerial stunts is called. Anyway, until next time!

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