(8) Please come home again

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//Nick's pov//

Tom was waiting at the door when I got out and he just dragged me to the car.

He was clearly mad at me, and Johnny's family gave us an odd look before we left.

Tom opened the door of the passanger seat and he basically threw me on there then closed the door and got in through the other side.

"You fuckin' whore, I bet you were gonna fuck with him, weren't you?! Because that's all you ever do, you just whore around!" He yelled at me as he drove off.

//Time skip to two months later (February)//

It had been two months since Johnny and I started dating, and it was Valentine's day, I had bought him chocolates and a book I saw him looking at when we passed a book store the other day, he seemed to really want it.

"Nick, bring me a bottle of water" Sofia said and I got up walking to the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle, thankfully Tom wasn't there.

I walked back to our room and gave her the bottle before going back to my side of the room, but one question wouldn't leave my mind.

"Why did you change so much?" I asked her and she looked surprised that I even spoke to her.

"What do you mean?" She asked back.

"You used to check up on me whenever you had the chance to, but now you just act so cold and you do everything Tom tells you to, it's like you're his puppet" I say carefully.

She sighed and seemed to ponder something.

"Look, I'm not suposed to say this, but Tom said he'd kill you if I didn't do what he said, he also said he'd hurt me and everyone I loved, and I just-" she said, but I cut her off.

"So you decided it was best if only I suffered" I said coldly and she looked guilty.

"Nick, I'm sorry" she said sounding even more guilty that she looked like.

"Liar" I mumbled and she just looked at the floor.

She was about to say something else, but the door opened.

"Nicky, come with me" Tom slurred, clearly drunk, that wasn't good, he was way worse when he was drunk.

"Nick, come here, now" he said sternly this time, but it was still slurred.

I got up and walked to him, not wanting it to be any worse.

"Follow me" he said giggling and he started walking to the guest bedroom, or as I like to call it, the torture room.

I walked into the room after him and he signaled towards the bed, so I sat on it.

"Lay down" he said and I did what I was told "turn around".

Once I turned around I felt another set of hands against my skin, the invisible hands never really left, but on more vulnerable moments they would always be worse.

He took off my shirt and I could hear him unbuckling his belt, oh no, not this, not this, please.

⚠️trigger warning: described abuse⚠️

I let out a scream as the belt hit my back, it seemed to burn.

He hit me again because I had screamed, so he hit me harder and I bit my lip and the inside of my cheeks to avoid screaming again, tears were going down my face and they didn't seem to stop, they just kept flowing like a river would.

He kept hitting me and I could feel blood running down my back and drip onto the floor.

Finally, he stopped.

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