The hospital room door then opens once again and Dr. Smith walks in, a smile plastered on his youngish face.

"Hello there boys, and kiddo. I just ran everything back with my nurses and had them fill out the last of the paperwork, so you guys are good to take Lou home." Dr. Smith announces.

"Are you sure? I don't want to take him home if there is still a possibility that something could be wrong." Edward says to the doctor.

"I'm sure guys, I would never send him home if I wasn't one hundred percent sure that he was safe and healthy. If you want to talk more about what the cause of the whole situation was, feel free to come back in or call me when little ears aren't listening." Dr. Smith says while making a silly face at Lou to distract him from what is being said.

"Okay, we may take you up on that but thank you so much doctor for everything. Seriously." Edward says.

Harry isn't even really paying attention to the conversation between his brother and the doctor because he knows that if he tunes in his anger may bubble back up and thats not necessary at the moment. So he just sways side to side a bit with Louis resting and giggling in his arms.

"Anytime boys but hopefully not another time." Dr. Smith laughs.

"Alright alright. You're all set boys, here's my number if you need it." He continues before handing the men his business card.

"Thanks" They smile as Dr. Smith leaves the room.

"We go home now daddy?" Louis asks politely.

Ever since Louis fully woke up this morning, he had been feeling a little shy and uncomfortable with the different environment. So the men are relived that their baby is going to be feeling better soon. Once they take him back to the place where he feels safe and secure.

"Yes bub, we can go back home now. Maverick is waiting at home with a babas for you." Harry says before leaving a tender kiss on the boys head.

They love him more than life itself.

"Mavi!" Louis squeaks happily.

"Yes love bug, we can go see Mavi now." Edward smiles.

Edward gathers up the last of their belongings from the room as Harry changes Louis back into his fuzzy onesie and out of the paper hospital gown that some nurse made him put on late last night.

Once Louis is all warm and snuggly and the twins are ready to go they leave the room and head for the exit.

Harry is sure to keep Louis head pressed into his neck as they step outside, thus not allowing the harshly cold air hit any part of his sensitive skin.

When the reach the car, Harry sets the boy down in the car seat that they had just realized was something they had never used but they know it's much safer for him to ride in there. They just hope it doesn't upset Lou too much.

But the second that Louis leaves the mans arms a big adorable frown forms on his face.

"It's okay bubba, we are right here don't worry." Edward says as he reaches back from the front seat to reassuringly run Louis's arm.

Louis's whines subside at the feeling of his daddy.

Once Harry makes sure Louis is fully strapped into his seat he closes door before moving around to the drivers seat.

The drive is fairly quite, and it doesn't take long for them to get home but once they pull into their drive way they look back to see that Louis is nearly asleep.

His tiny head fallen to the side as he struggles to keep his eyes open. The men coo at the sight.

"Should we wake him, he was really excited to see Maverick?" Harry asks his brother while his eyes never leave Lou.

"Let's just let him sleep, it's nearly time for his nap anyways. Let's just lay him down, Maverick can just reheat the bottle when he wakes up."  Edward whispers.

The little one looks so peaceful the men couldn't bear to disturb him.

"Yeah, good idea." Harry says.

Edward gets out of the car and gently unbuckles Louis's car seat, being careful to not wake him. He lifts him bridle style, cradling him sweetly.

Harry grabs the front door for his brother and they feel like they can breathe again as they step into the home. The men haven't slept in days out of worry for their baby so it's feels good to know they Louis is home and safe now, under their care and only their care.

Once they get upstairs and into Louis's nursery, they lay him down gently in his crib before covering him in a snuggly fleece blanket. They both kiss him on the forehead and cheek before setting up the baby monitor and heading into their own room, not wanting to be a full floor away from Lou, just in case.

They both sit on the edge of the bed and let out a deep breath. It had been a long 24 hours but they would take a million of these days if it meant Louis was safe.

"So what did Alex say earlier?" Edward asks after a few minutes of them relaxing in each others company, referring to the phone call Harry took at the hospital.

"The same fucking shit. Nothing." Harry says, his rage building back up at the memory. And his language filter vanishing now that their bub isn't around to hear.

Edward sighs.

"Thats so odd, how can their just be nothing on his past. Like what about his past schooling or family?" Edward says, slightly frustrated himself.

"I know. I told Alex that if he didn't have more the next time he called me, there would be consequences." Harry sighs, head in his hands.

Edward puts his arm around his brother's shoulders.

"Don't worry H, he is safe with us. And whatever happened in the past we will figure it out and handle it as a family. We're okay." Edward comforts.

Harry looks up, slight tears in his eyes from the thought of Louis getting hurt but he knows his brother is right and that they are doing all they can do, he just needs to let himself relax. It's just hard.

Edward connects their lips gently, giving him a sweet peck before pulling away.

"I'm sure Louis won't be out for too long so why don't you try and get some rest. I'll go see if Maverick can whip us and Lou something up to eat for later." Edward says.

"Thank you Ed, I owe you one." Harry smiles.

"You owe me nothing. Get some rest, I'll come join you in a bit." Edward says before getting up off of the bed, leaving Harry to rest.

Once Edward leaves the room, Harry lays down on his side of the bed and closes his eyes, knowing that his brother is right and that he should probably get some sleep but something feels off.

He doesn't like being separated from Louis even though he is literally right across the hall. After everything that has happened in the past day, he doesn't want Louis out of his sight, even though he knows the boy is completely safe.

He pulls himself out of the kings bed and walks back into the nursery where the Lou is still fast asleep, now with his thumb in his mouth.

Harry grabs a dummy and slip it into Louis mouth in replacement for his thumb, knowing it is more sanitary and will probably be more comforting anyways.

He lifts the boy up out of the crib before carrying him back into the master bedroom.

He creates a wall of pillows on the side of Louis that he plans to not be, just incase the young one roles around in his sleep.

Once he is sure the boy if fully content, he lays down directly next to him before just pulling the little love into his chest, wanting to hold the boy in his sleep.

And with that, he is actually able to relax.

Hello my lovies!
Happy holiday season to those of you who celebrate.
Thank you all for supporting this story so far.
You all are seriously amazing.
Thanks for reading babes!

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