Chapter 10: Tweets and Toasts

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*Hugo's P.O.V.*

Laura had just told us that she had some tweets to read and I was already sitting closer to Sophia and holding her as tightly as I could without hurting her. I was nervous to see what was going to come from these tweets. "Our first tweet reads: 'Don't get me wrong I love our finale couples and their montages but could we have gotten a Hugo and Sophia montage? That would have been absolutely adorable.' Our second tweet reads: 'Do you guys remember when Sharron pied Hugo and then when she was single and wanted Hugo he didn't take her back. Yikes, at least they are really good friends. I wonder how Sophia feels about Shaz knowing she has a massive crush on Hugo.' Our third tweet reads: 'The fierce four (Millie, Chloe, Lucinda, and Sophia) better make a video together explaining their individual journeys and how they became such amazing people. I know you were cast to be hated by all but I'm pretty sure that was a complete backfire.' Our final tweet comes from an islander 'Hey Sophia! There is a surprise waiting for you back in Oxford currently with Annalyse *attached a picture of a beautiful red healer puppy* She'll be needing a name when we return home," Laura read which the last tweet was something I had set up with the love island producers to show at some point. Sophia turned and looked at me as if asking if it was true to which I nodded and she smiled so big before leaning over and kissing me. "Now isn't that the sweetest thing in the world? Now that is all we have time for here at the reunion until next summer," Laura said and the cameras finally stopped rolling. Within seconds Millie, Chloe, and Lucinda were at our table and speaking about puppy names which I knew was going to take them forever to figure one out.

"You really are taking all the big steps at once aren't you," Sharron said behind me so I turned around to talk to her.

"I mean Sophia's my girlfriend who I love and will be living with. I got her favorite puppy to be our fur child. I mean I plan on spending forever with her like she's my girl that I just clicked with and it all made sense and became crystal clear," I said rather confused by her question.

"That's fine and dandy but remember that you'll be watching the dog when she decides to leave you for someone better because we all know it'll happen with a girl like her," Sharron had said which had made me very angry. After all, Sharron hasn't actually ever gotten to meet her so she doesn't know what Sophia is like.

"Excuse me Sharron is it. I would like to steal my boyfriend for a conversation about our fur baby and what we should name her. I appreciate you looking out for Hugo but just know that I got him and I don't plan on 'leaving him'. I'm not a girl who just jumps from a relationship, especially not one like this one I have with Hugo. So kindly don't insult Hugo for choosing me and please stop talking negatively about me because I have done nothing to you. I want no bad blood between us as you are Hugo's friend and I am not going to make him choose between you, Sharron, and myself because that would hurt him," Sophia said which made me feel really respected and loved.

"Kindly fuck off and go ruin someone else's life," Sharron said and then walked away.

"I was wondering if you would want to name our little fur baby Annabelle May. I mean Annabelle would be my two favorite princesses mixed Anastasia and Belle and then May would be after your birth month," Sophia said which made me smile and big as possible.

"I would love nothing more than naming our baby Annabelle May. What's her last name going to be," I asked Sophia.

"Oh it'll be Hammond of course because she's our baby and eventually, hopefully, I'll be a Hammond too," Sophia said with a small smile which made me chuckle and kiss her forehead.

"Of course how silly of me to forget that important part. I love you, Sophia Corryn Bentley," I said before kissing her and it was just a gentle but passionate kiss. We have broken apart when Liam clinked a glass.

"Can we have a toast for not only the finale couples but every other couple that is still together and everyone that realized what they were worth and made themselves a priority? To all of us islanders learning to be open, vulnerable, and for falling in love. I'm looking at you guys Sophia and Hugo. Let's celebrate the love that has been made and the love that will be found. To love island 2021," Liam said which everyone cheers to and then we all went our separate ways to have a small conversation. About an hour and a half later Sophia and I decided it was time to head home. After we got home I looked at her as she was sitting on the couch with her laptop open.

"Soph, what are you looking at," I asked and she looked up at me before waving me over to sit next to her to read what was on the screen. It was a report from the Times saying talking about tonight's reunion. She then points out a single paragraph for me to read. 'It was nice to see Hugo and Sophia still together and see the video footage of their lives without them knowing was super cute. Really goes to show that if you have a connection/click with someone how much you would really do for them. So happy for the two of them and may their lives be wonderful moving forward as they take on the world together.' It was something very sweet that I wasn't expecting.

"That's quite wonderful that they all agree about that. I'm glad they see and know our relationship is something really healthy and strong. I love you, Soph. Now let's get to bed because I know you have work in the morning and you are already super tired from being at the reunion for most of the day," I said as she nodded and closed the laptop and was about to stand up when I scooped her up and just carried into our room and placed her on the bed. We curled up and went to sleep that night just like we had been since I met her that first night we were in a couple in the villa. 

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