Chapter 8: Normal Daily Life

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*Sophia's P.O.V.*

So it's been two weeks since we have gotten home and Hugo has been living with me in Oxford so that we can still be around each other while I'm working. We are actually supposed to head to the reunion coming up next week. I had just gotten off work and gotten home to walk in the door to see Hugo cooking something in the kitchen. "Hun, what are you making for dinner tonight," I asked as I walked further in and saw that he had a complete dinner ready for us to eat. "Awww Hugo, you are so sweet this is literally so amazing. I can't believe that you did all of this for us," I said with a smile as I hugged him and leaned up to kiss him.

"Of course love, I know you had a long day today and I wanted to do something special along with I have some news for you," Hugo said to me obviously nervous about what he had to say. I reached up and took his hand and encouraged him to continue on with what he was going to say. "I got a call from the school I worked at in Hampshire today and they are no longer waiting for me to teach there," Hugo had said which made me sad but then he took a breath and continued talking. "Then instead moved me to teach at the larger sister school here in Oxford. They want me to teach and bring life to my story here in a larger community," Hugo said which made me smile, and then he looked at me and I could see it in his face.

"Hun, that's amazing so then what are you going to do with your place in Hampshire? Are you going to move up here and live with me? Are you excited about what's to come," I asked a bunch of questions that made him look at me and chuckle before shaking his head?

"Well now by your reaction I'm not as worried as I was before. I guess I'll sell my place in Hampshire and maybe you can sell your small place and we can find a bigger place here in Oxford to move into. I'm over the moon excited," Hugo said which made me nod and giggle which caused him to laugh. Before I could say anything else Hugo said something that caught me off guard. "Gosh, I love you so much," Hugo said before realizing what he said. As soon as he realized it his face dropped because that was a huge thing to say I mean we had only known each other for about six weeks now even if four of them were in the villa. As Hugo started to panic I reached forward and grabbed his hand and look at him.

"I love you too Hugo," I said with a smile on my face that was brighter than normal. The next thing I know Hugo has me picked up and placed onto his lap in a tight hug and he pulled away from the hug he captured my lips in a very passionate kiss. Things were getting heated and then Hugo picked me up and took us back to the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and then approached slowly and kissed me again which I deepened. I was so nervous about what was going to come but then again my nerves were completely pushed aside when I felt Hugo break away from me and look at me ever so sweetly.

"You are so beautiful Soph and I am so lucky that you chose to let me love you," Hugo said to me which made me smile and giggle like no other as I reached up and pulled his face down to kiss him again. Hugo then again broke the kiss to look at me. "Are you sure that this is what you want? I know we've had one big step today but we don't have to take them all in one day," Hugo said to me which made me nod and smile before pulling him close and kissing him again making sure that Hugo understood what I wanted. I decided to speak quickly in between kisses.

"I love you and I want this with you," I said which caused Hugo to bring our lips back together and kiss me very passionately. We spent the rest of the night doing the one thing that hadn't occurred in our relationship as Hugo had been so patient with me because of my past.

*Hugo's P.O.V.*

I just told her I loved her and she didn't panic and she just responded with she loved me too. She not only did that she wanted to take our relationship even farther. She loves me and I love her and everything is going amazing and I can't believe our lives have been going so well. I mean here we are having been together almost two months and we have never taken our lives too seriously we just had been going with life. My new career moving me here with her in Oxford is exactly what we needed. I mean I can't believe that I had found my person. I looked done to see her asleep on my chest like we usually are. I just kiss her forehead and held her tightly. Not too long later did I hear my phone go off. I reached over to the bedside table and grabbed it reading a text from Liam. 'Hey man, we just landed in Hampshire and were wondering if you were home for us to crash for the night.' I took a second before responding. 'I'm not home in Hampshire right now I'm in Oxford at Sophia's but I think you guys can come up here. I can wake up Sophia and see what she says.' I responded and then I kissed her forehead again and she started moving. She looked up at me. "Sorry Soph I didn't want to wake you but it seems Millie, Liam, Chloe, and Toby all seem to be down in Hampshire and are going to drive up here for the night to stay if that's alright with you," I said to which she sat up quickly grabbing the blankets around her and kisses me before going to get dressed while saying.

"Of course, Hun, just make sure to let them in when they get here. I'm going to shower then clean up the kitchen," Sophia said so happily. I was so happy with her that we were living our normal lives now and we had adjusted so well together. As she was finishing cleaning up the kitchen I heard a knock on the door and opened it to let everyone in.

"Hey, Soph, the guest are here," I yelled towards the kitchen only to hear her drop something metal better heading out the front room and smiling as she ran forward and hugged everyone. I then was pulled into a hug by the others. We all sat down in the living room to talk.

"So what did we miss in the villa," Soph asked them which got some smiles.

"Well Liam and I made it official and he also told me he loved me. So that was pretty special," Millie said which made Sophia and I both smile.

"Toby and I got back together and things are going really well. Now what's been going on between the two of you," Chloe said which made me look down at Soph who was looking up at me and nodded.

"So, Soph and I went to my home in Hampshire originally met with my family and then ended up coming back to Oxford so she could go back to work since school is technically on a break. As of today, I found out that I was no longer going to be a teacher in Hampshire; instead, they are transferring me to be a teacher here in Oxford. I'm selling my place in Hampshire and Soph and I are going to look for a bigger place here in Oxford and move in together. So that's a big thing that has happened," I said before looking down at Soph who nodded before adding something.

"He told me he loved me today so that was new," Soph said which made the girl yell and the guys chuckle. I looked over at Soph and just smiled before kissing her forehead. We all continued on having a grand night of a reunion before Soph and I went back to her room to go to bed. We had a nice little sleep Soph cuddled up to me with her head on my chest. 

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