Chapter 3: Confessions and Comfort

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*Sophia's P.O.V.*

I was nervous to tell Hugo what had happened in my past but I knew it was something that needed to be said to set me free. I was currently tucked into Hugo's chest so I moved myself to sit up and look him in the eyes. "So while I was in University I went to a bar with my friends and someone drugged my drink and then raped me in the bathroom when I was unconscious. I had no clue what was going on and when my friends realized I was missing and found me in the bathroom laying on the ground bruised and bleeding they had to call the police and it was a scary moment. I've never had relationships and the one time I go out to the bars that happens to me so I got scared to take myself out of my bubble. You are actually the first person I have told this to other than the police and my family. IT was a really hard recovery from what had happened to me. I just wanted to tell you the truth so you understand why I think so little of myself. I put myself in the situation and that was the outcome and I want you to know I'm not as broken as I was after it happened but I'm still working on accepting what had happened to me. I know that is a lot to hear and I'm so sorry about that. I wish I didn't have such a mess in my past," I said as I searched his face for any type of response. He made eye contact with me and I could see it in his eyes he wanted to understand what he could do to help. Instead, he just opened his arms and let me curl up into him and silently sob while he stroked my back.

"I don't know what to say about everything that has happened to you but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I want to learn everything I can about you and I want to be able to grow with you. You seem like a sweet and respectful girl and I don't feel like you should have ever had to go through what you have. I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. I just want to know what I can do to help you if there is anything that you need help with," Hugo said to me as he is kissing my forehead and my tears had stopped falling.

"Can we just have a cuddle and talk about something positive," I asked and Hugo nodded and made sure that he held me tightly as he started talking about everything that he is excited for on the outside when the whole group leaves. He made me laugh so hard that I was crying again. We stayed up there until the door swung upon and we saw a bunch of the girls, Liam and Jake standing there.

"There you two are. We were looking for you to tell you that we were all heading to bed. I guess you guys have been hiding out for a while," Jake said and Hugo started speaking for us both.

"We've just been chatting up here. Soph I'm going to go change I'll see you in bed," Hugo said we both stood up and he kissed my head before walking off with the guys. I just looked at the girls and dried under my eyes as the girls all looked at me.

"We just had a really hard conversation about something that happened to me in the past that I haven't really talked about but wanted him to know about. Let's just see my uni experience was more traumatic than anything else. But I feel he took the news pretty well. I don't know though because that was a heavy truth bomb," I said as I looked at all the girls who sat decided to sit with me on the floor to hear my story. So I explain to that what I had just explained to Hugo only slightly tearing up again when I finished only to be hugged by all of the girls tightly.

*Hugo's P.O.V.*

I went downstairs to talk with the guys and they all said they got a text about us sneaking out in the morning to go on a lads day. "Hey Hugo, what was going on with Sophia up on the terrace," Jake asked getting all the guys' attention.

"Um, we were just having a conversation about her past. She wanted me to know what the challenge was referring to and to explain everything. We had a really good conversation that I think made us a lot closer which is nice. I really could see something with her in the future. I really hope things work out with her," I said as the guys go crazy, and then the girls walked in and Sophia walked right over to where I was and I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her forehead. We both went climbing in bed when I spoke to her. "Hey Soph, if you'd like I'll sleep on the edge of the bed and give you your space to sleep," I said trying to be respectful after everything I had heard from her today. She shook her head no and pulled me close to her.

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