Chapter 6: Secrets and Surveys

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*Sophie's P.O.V.*

I went and changed into something a little sexier but not much sexier and then found Hugo waiting for me. I took his hand and we walked to the hideaway. As soon as we got inside and the door shut Hugo picked me up cause me to laugh and wrap my legs around his torso. We were both laughing hysterically when he laid me down on the bed only slightly hovering over me. Before I realize what was going on we were kissing and I was reaching up and pulling his shirt off. As soon as his shirt came off he broke our kiss and looked at me. "You know we don't have to do anything tonight. We can just talk about our outside lives, kiss, cuddle and sleep like normal," Hugo said which made me smile before I leaned up and kissed him again this time with hunger and passion in the kiss. He pulled away again, "Or we could have a little fun but not go all the way," he said which caused me to reattach my lips to his and smile into our very passionate and heated kiss that was starting to turn into more than just a kiss. After a little while longer and some fun, not too much fun, I curled up into his side and kissed him. I swore as I was falling asleep I heard him say something to me but I guess I was just hearing things.

The next morning I woke up on Hugo's chest as he was stroking my hair and humming. "Good morning babe," I said to him without a second thought.

"Good morning Soph. How are you feeling about everything that happened last night," Hugo asked me as he kissed my forehead and held me close.

"I really appreciate that you are patient with me about everything and how understanding you are about what I've been through and what is a challenge for me. I know it can't always be easy to be dating a rape victim especially when it comes to things like intimacy," I said while tracing letters on his stomach.

"It may not be easy but it's definitely worth it. You are an angel and you deserve the best. I'm sorry that you haven't treated me the best in the past may be having me in your life can change that," Hugo says as he hugs me tighter and kisses my head. "Either way if we did anything or if we didn't do anything last night that is between us and I wouldn't tell anybody what happened. It is our thing so if you want to keep it a secret then it's a secret," Hugo said which made me feel so much better as I know the girls sent me in to see what sex with Hugo may be like and what life on the outside world might be like with him. But him reacting the way he has shows me that whenever the time is finally right we will have a special moment. I dozed back off to sleep with Hugo holding onto me.

*Hugo's P.O.V.*

The fact that we had a night alone together and she was open and honest with me about everything was wonderful. I know the islanders really wanted us to do more than what we did in here last night but for us, that was actually a really big step. I mean thinking back about everything I know about her and how she doesn't like to dive headfirst into anything but her making an exception with getting to know me makes me feel so much better. I looked down to see her back asleep on my chest just being adorable as every when I hear the door open. I look over to see my fellow islanders. I put my free hand to my mouth as if to say be quiet. "She's still sleeping? Hugo, you must have had her up all night then," Jake said which I didn't really like how it sounded coming out of his mouth, it sounded quite rude if I'm being honest.

"Awww, she's adorable when she is sleeping next to you. How was your night," Millie asked as she sat at the foot of our bed.

"It was really nice to just have us time and to talk about what will happen on the outside world. I mean she was worried last night that if you guys sent her home what would happen with us. I told her that if she was sent home I would have packed my bags and left with her no questions asked. I wanted one thing coming here and it was to find someone I click with and have a special connection with. I found that in Sophia so there really isn't any other reason for us to stay here. We can leave to the outside world and just start going back to normal life and I think we'd be just fine," I said as Soph started to move around a little. But I pulled her closer to my chest and pulled the blanket tighter around her. She opened her eyes and I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Good morning Soph. We have some visitors," I said to her as she took in our surroundings.

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