Chapter 5: confusion, confrontation, and Chaos

Start from the beginning

"Hey Sophia, how are you feeling? I know everything went crazy tonight," Chloe asked as I sat down and all the girls looked over towards me.

"I'm fine. I don't like that everyone had a fallout tonight; however, Chloe did my eyes deceive me, or did Toby come to your defense tonight," I said which made everyone look over at Chloe and she was blushing.

"I mean he did defend me when Jackson was being an ass. I'm just glad that you didn't physically get hurt after he was so forceful with you last night. Also, the fact that Hugo immediately grabbed you and pulled you away from it all was so cute. Do I spy Hugo's ring still on your finger even after he gave you back your necklace," Chloe said which made me blush.

"So I went to give it back to him because it's his favorite and he said that I should hold onto it because I'm a special person in his life so, me having his ring is just extra special. He also made me some tea and apologize about how the night went and apologized for not being here to protect me because of being at casa. I told him I felt terrible about ruining everyone's nights and that the villa blew up and he told me it wasn't my fault. Then we just talked about silly things and joked around until he knew that I was feeling well enough to change for bed. I don't know if you have all seen him act like this before I came into the villa or if it was a me thing. I just wanted to thank everyone who was around me tonight to protect me from the craziness that was Jackson. Either way, I'm happy and feel really happy with Hugo. He makes me feel like I can do anything by his side which is nice. But how was everyone else's nights," I asked which lead to some giggles.

"Well Teddy and I had an argument but we are back to talking through everything. Jake and Liberty were just being themselves, Kaz and Tyler had a falling out, Abbey was proper nasty talking about you when she was leaving with Jackson. It was quite interesting. I think Toby was headed to pull Chloe when that outburst happened. I mean as well all saw the guys got in the middle of the situation protecting you from him and no one let him get to you," Faye said which summed up the entire night.

"Well thank you Faye for the full recap of the villa tonight. I really appreciate it and hopefully, everything doesn't carry over to tomorrow and kick off again. Are we ready for bed," I asked as they all nodded and we walked into the bedroom only for me to be brought into a big group hug that made me smile? As soon as the group hug was broken up Hugo wrapped his arms around me and picked me up causing me to giggle and squeal as I went flying through the air and landed on our bed with a lot of laughter as Hugo climbed into bed next to me chuckling and then kissed my forehead. Once the lights went off I turned to look at him. "Thank you," I said with a smile as I leaned up and kissed him pretty passionately until things got a little heated and I pulled out of the kiss.

"You don't need to thank me for being a decent human being. But I want to thank you for being an angel. Now come here you and give me a cuddle and a kiss," Hugo said which made me giggle and give him another sweet kiss before laying my head on his chest and falling asleep.

The next morning I was woken up by Hugo laughing since I was still asleep on his chest. I opened my eyes when he realized he had accidentally woken me up. "Sorry Soph, I didn't mean to wake you up. I was just chatting with Aaron, Liam, and Toby about how someone Jackson's size thought he was going to take on all four of us guys. Either way, I was trying not to wake you so I'm so sorry," Hugo said as he put a kiss on my forehead and I went to bury myself into his chest and close my eyes again. As soon as my eyes closed I heard the girls come in screaming.

"What the hell Sophia get your lazy arse up babe we need to have our terrace chats," Chloe said as she started to pull me away from Hugo only to get me to flip her off before giving Hugo a quick kiss and getting up and heading to the terrace.

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