Chapter 26: Caged

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*TW* Abuse, violence, blood

"How's my hair? Ginny cut it. Told me I looked a bit manlier this way."

Hermione laughed.

She could remember the day she had brought Ron to see her parents after their graduation from Hogwarts. She knew he had met them before when they were only children when the Wizarding world was still so new and exciting. But this would be the first time he would meet them as her boyfriend, and she could tell as they stood outside the door that Ron's nerves were shot.

"You look very handsome, Ron, honestly. I don't know what all the fuss is about. They've met you before—"

"Yes, but this is different, Mione. I'm not the lanky little school friend they remember, am I? Plus, I'm head over heels in love with their daughter. What if they don't approve of your wizard boyfriend after everything that has happened?"

Hermione ran a loving hand through Ron's freshly cut hair. "They love you. They loved you then, and they'll love you now. I promise, you have nothing to worry about," she tried to calm him.

He gave her the same lazy smile that she had come to love so much in the time they had been together. "I meant what I said. I'm thoroughly smitten by you, Mione."

She smiled at his confession of love, swearing she would never grow tired of hearing it. Leaning in, she took his face in her hands and brought his lips to hers. What was meant to be a short good luck kiss quickly turned into something much too passionate for the front steps of her childhood home.

And as if she had summoned him with her thoughts, Hermione heard the front door swing open. Her father cleared his throat, and the couple sprang apart like teenagers caught after curfew. Hermione's mother stood behind him, snickering.

Ron turned several shades of red to match his fiery hair. "Um, hello, Mr Granger, Mrs Granger."

"Morning, Dad," Hermione moaned with embarrassment.

Ralph Granger stood unwaveringly still in the doorway, eyes narrowed and glancing back and forth between herself and Ron.

Thankfully, her mother had her laugh and finally took pity on the two of them. She stepped around her husband to hug Hermione around the neck, kissing her forehead as she had since she was a child. She turned to Ron next, who still seemed like he would vomit at any second.

"Oh, please," Jean said. "Don't look so frightened, boy. You should hear the story of how I first met Grandma Granger. She actually walked in on Ralph and I having—"

"Okay, Mum," Hermione interrupted before she could finish that story that was sure to scar her for the rest of her life.

She couldn't have dreamt of a more perfect day. They ate lunch in the tiny garden her mother was attempting to keep. They laughed until their stomachs were sore and their eyes were watering. After lunch, she showed Ron the bedroom she had grown up in. She showed him the silly butterfly sheets that still covered her small bed. They made love there in that room, under the protection of a few silencing charms. It was exhilarating and fun and everything she had ever wanted. Hermione didn't know until much later, but that night would be the night Ronald Weasley had asked her father permission to marry her.

It was hard to believe how starkly different it felt to see him now. How hollow her chest felt, how ice seemed to freeze her spine, sending eerie chills throughout her entire body.

Ron took her hand to lead her inside, the dangerous warning he had just given her still ringing in her ears.

She felt as if she was walking into a cage. The door shut, and she was locked in, never knowing if she would ever get out. She sucked air greedily into her lungs, trying to create some facade of normalcy.

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