Chapter 11: Lightning

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It was a mistake. A brief lapse in judgment that she still had time to correct if she could just get her feet to move. She shouldn't be here, couldn't understand why she had even come in the first place. This was a grotesque invasion of privacy.

Hermione stood in the front of Malfoy's flat, which resided above a quaint little antique shop she frequently patroned on her way home from work. She still couldn't believe this entire time it was Malfoy who was the mystery owner of the flat she shamefully coveted almost every morning and evening.

Staring at the beautifully hand carved dark wooden door, she clutched the small gift wrapped present – which he probably wouldn't even like, with her luck – in her hands. She was going to kill Theo for letting her think this was normal. Why couldn't she have just given the blasted watch to him when he returned to work?

If she was being honest with herself, she wanted to see him. She had grown too accustomed to sharing his company nearly every day and the change of routine was eating away at her. But she suddenly wasn't as fearless as she had been when she left the Ministry that afternoon.

What if he thought she was a creep, just showing up to his home unannounced this way? What if he had already gone to meet his mother? Oh gods, what if Narcissa was here?

No. No, she couldn't do it. She quickly turned on her heel, praying for a clean getaway as she began to march away the way she came. She would just go back to work, focus on her responsibilities and see him the next day. This had been a silly idea and–


Shit. Shit, shit, shit, Hermione, what on earth were you thinking?

She rotated again to face her pale blonde coworker who was leaning against the doorframe, one hand still grasping the doorknob. He was dressed in – wait, were those denims? Yes, he was wearing a pair of dark blue denims with a green crew neck sweater. His hair looked like he had been running his hands through it mindlessly, strands of it falling in his face. She had never seen him look so... casual. It was nice. She thought it suited him quite well.

"Malfoy, hi," she smiled sheepishly at him. "I was just out grabbing lunch and, well, Theo told me you lived here and I thought I might bring you this," she held up the box awkwardly. "It's a gift for your birthday but if you're busy I could give it to you tomorrow at work..." she broke off, taking in the look of surprise painting Malfoy's face. "You're busy, I'm so sorry for just showing up here, you probably think I'm a mad woman, I–"

"Granger, take a breath," he interrupted with a soft, slightly taunting smile. Her cheeks instantly grew hot, flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't believe she was just standing there, rambling on his front steps.

"Right," she laughed uncomfortably. Godric, why was she acting so strange? He was just a friend, just a coworker. Get a grip, Hermione.

"Would you like to come in?" he proposed. "I just put on some tea."

He opened the door a bit more, giving her a tiny glimpse inside her dream flat, and although she wished to be thoroughly swallowed by a giant hole in the floor, she had to admit she was curious to take a peek inside.

She stood still holding the gift box in her hands, eyes trained on the ground. "Oh, no, I couldn't. You're spending the day with your mother, I don't want to interfere with your plans–"

"Really, it's no trouble. I'm not to meet my mother for another couple hours. Come on in, Granger," he waved.

She hesitated for a moment. She could make a run for it. Maybe they could pretend this mortifying encounter never happened. Or she could Obliviate him. That was always an option.

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