Falling in Place

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*20 BBY, Zygerria*

Dinner with the Queen was just like the last one.

"The auction is tomorrow. The slaves we picked out were not supposed to be sold tomorrow, but I have changed that. Hopefully, they belong to you by the end of the day." The Queen slid a holopad across the table at me. It lit up with a rotating picture of my mother and sister. They had pained looks on their faces and cuts all over their back. It took every ounce of my mind not to cry out.

"Thank you." I told her, keeping my eyes low.

"I must be getting to bed. Tomorrow is a big day."

"Of course your majesty."

"Your other two slaves are back in your room, and dinners leftovers are there for them."

"You're too kind to me, your highness." The Queen blew Detta a kiss on our way out. On the way back to our room, I could hear the cries of slaves being whipped. It hurt my very being. The guard let us into our room and told me that a package would be delivered early in the morning. I thanked him and shut the door. "Good evening." I told Kittyhawk, Ranahan, and Spitfire.

"Good evening General." Ranahan replied, shoving bread into his mouth.

"We should petition to the Republic to feed us like this all the time." Kittyhawk handed me a small, sweet pastry.

"I'll see what I can do." I smiled warily at them. It was time to tell them the news. "Guys...I found my family!"

"What-" Ranahan's jaw dropped.


"Yes! And the Queen might help me in making sure that they belong to me!"

"That's amazing, General!" I smiled warmly at them. "What's the plan for after we rescue?"

"What?" In the excitement of knowing I had found my family, I hadn't thought of that.

"What are we going to do after we rescue? We all denied the Republic and you virtually abandoned the order." Kittyhawk pointed out. "Are we going back? The Republic needs us."

"I'm not really sure." I admitted.

"That's ok, we'll figure it out together." Ranahan assured us all. 

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