He is back

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It's been three days and rafael has trapped me inside to house,with him in it and I'm going crazy I'm fully healed and I need to go back to normal,except He thinks he owns me and can trap me anytime he wants.

"Rafael wake up" I say splashing water on him, "WHAT THE FUCK" he gets up rubbing his eyes, I stand there giggling while holding the cup, "get up we're gonna be late for the office, "What your not fully healed I can't leave you.

Did she just Fucking wake me up by throwing water on me,I forbid her to leave the house without me and it's driving her crazy,my favourite hobby. "I'm fully healed your being dramatic now" she says placing two hands on her hip.

I get out of bed overshadowing her body "Fine let me go change atleast" I say walking into the bathroom,I strip down and get into the shower,letting the hot water hit my hair and body,the steam getting all over the glass doors,suddenly I have a pair of eyes watching me.

I walk into the bathroom and see him showering,wow what a great view he's  standing there while the water hits his body,scribing his hair and leaning back,he turns around with hand behind his neck and says "like what you see" while smirking, ofc I do but we don't have time for that and I did ask if we can do it one more time but he was to scared he would hurt me,with my injury.

"Hmm  I've seen better" I say while folding my hands,he chuckles and says "doubt that baby" while turning around and carries on showering.
I leave the room after putting on my heels and head down for breakfast.

My outfit👆🏾

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My outfit👆🏾

I walked into the kitchen seeing Mrs Martinez cooking and the boys eating, "morning guys" they turn there heads and looks at me, "Rafael finally letting you go work" Damon's says while laughing, "Letting me,I had to splash water on him" the whole room  laughs while he walks in the kitchen, "see your badmouthing me already" I roll my eyes as he kisses his mum on the cheack.

"Well rafael if you let her leave your sight te golpearé el culo con unos zapatos" (I will beat your ass with a shoe" she says glaring at Rafael,causing me Damon and ash to break out in laughter.

"Well rafael if you let her leave your sight te golpearé el culo con unos zapatos" (I will beat your ass with a shoe" she says glaring at Rafael,causing me Damon and ash to break out in laughter

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