Just us

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It's about 11pm and everybody left and went bed,me and Rafael came up to his room he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom and I let my hair down and crawled into the bed, wearing my cotton pjs.

It's about 11pm and everybody left and went bed,me and Rafael came up to his room he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom and I let my hair down and crawled into the bed, wearing my cotton pjs

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Rafael walks out wearing just a black jogger,shirtless exposing his tattoos.

He takes a blanket from the closet and takes a pillow from the bed "my pillow doll" he says while I pass him his pillow

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He takes a blanket from the closet and takes a pillow from the bed "my pillow doll" he says while I pass him his pillow. He goes lays the blankets on the couch and lays down i turn of the lamp and lie down. "Night raf"
I say whispering with my hand on my stomach "night doll".

It's the next morning and I turn carefully and see his head resting near mine his hand on my waist,and we're spooning,I panic and try move away but in his sleep he tightens the grip on my waist and pulls me in closer to him, "where you going" he says in his deep,sexy sleep voice, "I thought you was sleeping on the couch" i says resting my head on my pillow  while his hand is still on my waist.

"You we're in pain and called my name so I came" What I called his name in my sleep,ughhh my face turns red in embarrassment and I close my eyes while he wispers in my ear and he breaths on my neck "it's okay,you call me and I'm urs doll".

We get out of bed and I'm sitting in the middle while he is standing and putting a shirt on, "don't you have work" I say looking at the clock that it's past his work time "I took a day off" What he took a day off this man works 365 days a year and he suddenly took a day off, "how come" I say while he leans in closer with his hands resting on my both sides of me, "work would've been boring without you" he says while giving a wink.

We walk downstairs and find nobody's home, "what do you wanna eat" he says while oning the gas, "you cook" he smirks and bend down to get the pots and pans out, "si pero mi comida favorita eres tu"
(Yh but my favourite meal is you" while smirking Oml this man,is the sexiest person alive,I can't even cook without burning the house down.

I sit down on the chair crossing my legs and staring at him cook,half naked Fuck I feel my body heating up,on fire watching him there.

"Rafael can we go out"He turns around with two plates in his hand filled with pancakes and bacon along with fruits,he sits down and gives me a fork and cuts his food up "no" I put my fork down and cross my arms sitting back in my chair, "fine il g...

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"Rafael can we go out"
He turns around with two plates in his hand filled with pancakes and bacon along with fruits,he sits down and gives me a fork and cuts his food up "no" I put my fork down and cross my arms sitting back in my chair, "fine il go myself" he glares up,giving me a deadly look.

"Your not going anywhere" "why" I say still in my chair refusing to eat,he begins cutting up my food on his fork and says "because Cody is still out there"
"Ok come with me then" he puts the fork to my mouths and raises his eyebrow to open my mouth ,I take the bite and he says "fine" finally I take my fork and start eating as he laughs.

We leave the house and I still don't know where we are going he said get ready and if I wanna go out than we go where he is taking me,I get into the car next to him buckling up and say "can you tell me where we are going" he puts one hand on the wheel and looks back reverse out of the garage, "nope"

We arrive after thirty mins of driving and it's a a tattoo place what the hell,we get out and he locks the car, "why are we here" he walks straight and says "I'm getting another tattoo" what another one as we walk into the door i says "do you even have space" since his body is filled with them,he smirks leaving over and says "oh I have a lot of places I can put it"

We arrive after thirty mins of driving and it's a a tattoo place what the hell,we get out and he locks the car, "why are we here" he walks straight and says "I'm getting another tattoo" what another one as we walk into the door i says "do you even...

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A tall women walks out wearing a black tank top and shorts with pink hair and tattoos covering her whole body,as well as piercings. "Rafael omg I haven't seen you in ages" she screams while cleaning up her tools,she glances over his shoulder and see me next his side,and raises her eyebrows and says "ohhh I see" she puts out her hand out for me too shake and her eyes widen, "wow you caught a beauty didn't you Rafael" she says while smirking at Rafael.

"Hi I'm Malia Mendoza" she gaspes and drops her tools,uhhh is she okay "THEE Malia as in your father is Alexander" I nod my head and she almost faints,she can't know us from the underworld I would've recognised her she must know us from
The company.

"So Rafael wait can I do for you and your Mrs" he chuckles as I roll my eyes, "a tattoo" he says,Rafael is getting another tattoos on his wrist and as he is lying down I realise I want one too I walk up to him and say "I'm gonna get a tattoo" I knew I want one before but just never had time so I might as well get it now.

He looks up at me amd says "no" what "I wasn't asking for your permission" the lady looks up at me amd laughs "she is feisty,I like" she says while doing his tattoo, "what tattoo would you like",I point at rafaels stomach and the quote I want the one I used to say years ago.

I lie down and wait for her to come,but instead it's a tall dark headed,guy filled with tattoos and a lip piercing, "hey darling what tatoo would you like" I tell him what I want and he nods,Rafael sitting in the chair near me with his hand leaning on his knee glaring at the guy.

"So where would you want it",this should be fun I pull my top and point to under my breast but not revealing  my breast "sweet" he says licking his lip Rafael gets up, "rafael sit your ass down" I say,he sits down and gives the guy a deadly look,he puts the pen onto my body and it don't hurt as bad as I thought but it's a weird tingling feeling,the guys hand is on just below my waist and one controlling the pen.

I sit there,with my hands in a fist watching this thirsty prick touching her waist and flirting with her ,does he not see me here I tried getting up before but malia stopped me,she giggles and he moves his hand down to her ass and she don't even fucking realise it,that's it I get up overshadowing the guy "move" I say in a demanding tone,"uhh i can't it's not finsh" he says with fear in his voice "I don't care il finsh it" before he could even speak I grab the tatoo pen and finsh it off.

I place my hand on her waist and finsh the tattoo she wanted,she places her hand on top of my hand squeezing it "try something like that and il have to punish you" she rolls her eyes and looks at her tattoo.

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