3. Dino Nuggets

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"Uhh yes, anyway, do you need help?" Jimin suggested.

I scratched my head in embarrassment, "Do you guys have a pacifier by any chance?"

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"I still don't get it how do you have a pacifier Park." I asked him with curiousity dripping from me.

"Magic?" He waved his fingers nervously.

I eyed him closely but decided to let that poor boy take a breath. I turned my attention towards the now sleeping baby and sighed in relief. As much as I went to cuss at the face for giving me so much trouble, I couldn't help but feel a little content and satisfied at the sound sleeping face.

Jungkook's eyes were shut close as his long eyelashes triggered if there was any slightest of noise. His doll-like rosy lips was parted open sucking on a baby delicacy as his small chest heaved up and down and his cute button nose was just calling out to be pinched.

"You look exhausted." Taehyung commented.

"No shit Sherlock." I replied with my eyes closed. Taehyung frowned and also stared at the little creature in his bracket, wrapped in a big fluffy blanket. Gently sucking on a pacifier while his eyelids were still like water.

"He's beautiful." He said.

"Thanks." I dryly answered. I absolutely had no energy to continue this conversation and secondly, all of my social energy would be used up. I just hope these two become a little formal and get the fuck outta my house.

I just need some rest c'mon!

Seeing my mental debate and weird expressions, Taehyung's lips twitched slightly. He looked over to Jimin and nodded his head firmly. Is this some telepathy shit?

My head was about to snap off any second because it was hanging too much from the drowsiness. I wiped the drool off my mouth and listened attentively when Taehyung cleared his throat.

"I don't know if you would agree to this but lemme' try, under today's circumstances I saw you were having severe...difficulties," Jimin was continuously pinching Taehyung to stop being so formal but the boy wasn't taking anything, "...I'd like to propose to be the baby's fathe- godfather!"


"Why so sudden? i barely even know you-"

"Before you think anything weird, what I meant to say is that I'll take care of him when you're not here and help in his growth!" He tried to defend himself.

"Sorry but the spot's already taken." I pushed both of them out of the door and tried to close the door but a hand stopped it midway. I felt my heart leap a little when he stopped the door. I couldn't help feel a little creeped out by the sudden suggestion as much as I wanted to believe that they were good people.

"If you change your mind, let me know." He pushed a slip of paper before I completely closed the door and grasped my thumping heart.

What happened?

Did Taehyung just asked to be Jungkook's godfather?

I bent down and picked the paper, a number was written on with a cute lil' call sign with a 'call me' next to it.

Oh my god Jin's totally gonna freak out seeing this.

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"He really said that!?" I pushed the phone a little away from my ear because he was screaming too much.

"Jeez stop yelling."

I was currently at a convenience store, picking out some groceries while the phone lay attached to my ear between my jaw and my shoulder. Jungkook was at Jimin's after they literally begged to babysit him and I felt weird handing a baby to two even more smaller babies.

"Oh-h ok, what else did he say?" I could literally smell the curiosity through the phone.

"He smacked a piece of paper on me with his number on it." I answered casually while picking a packet of Dino Nuggets, a children delicacy. "Hey Kook can eat nuggets right?"

Jin was breathing next to his phone harshly but he stopped when I mentioned Jungkook, "Yeah why not he has teeth and it looks like he's around three to four years, I'll let my sister know about this so she can kinda train you."

"What the- why the fuck do I need training for?"

"Mind your language kid and yeah you need training so you don't 'accidentally' drown the poor child while bathing it."

"I would never do such a thing!"

"Say that to my hand peasant!"

"Stop calling me that-!" I then realised that I shouted way louder than I thought and immediately apologized to the people giving me weird glances.

"You know what? Fuck you I don't care, bring that sister of yours to 'train' me."

"Believe me, you're gonna love her."

"Let's see peasant." I smirked although he can't see me.

"Hey that's not fair only I get to call you that!"

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A/N: Do you have a friend who's like Jin? Well I've and I'd LIKE HER VERY MUCH IF SHE DIDN'T give me death threats (nothing sirius just in a joking way)

Baby Or Daddy? (JJK) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz