I was speaking to a lady in the Ministry, she was actually the head of the department of magical transport. I wasn't very invested in the conversation, finding the ramblings of the old women to be very boring and somewhat of a nuisance. I suddenly felt great anger and annoyance, I quickly turned, glancing around the room for Hadrian, I was starting to feel slightly panicked when I couldn't seem to find him. I made eye contact with Malfoy, he tilted his head in worry I looked around and gestured to my hand with the ring from Hadrian on it. Malfoy seemed to understand as he began to walk around the room searching for him. "You seem distracted," the woman in front of me said, she narrowed her eyes at me as she looked at me up and down, "You are worried of something," she said as her eyes slightly softened. "I'm terribly sorry, excuse me," I said with a smile, the woman waved her hand in dismissal, I bowed slightly before walking away in search for my love.

"Found him yet?" I asked as Malfoy approached me, he shook his head. I tried my best to not show my frustration, I felt Hadrian's frustration slowly fade before being replaced with slight panic, this only caused me to become more and more frustrated and slightly panicked. The rest of my knights soon approached me, "Find Hadrian immediatly," I practically snarled, all of my knights quickly dispersed in search for my lover.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and started to think of my darling, I felt for the bond and reached out for it, I exhaled and opened my eyes, I watched as a type of string or cord appeared, I quickly followed it. This was part of the bond that I didn't tell Hadrian about. When the bonded are in trouble you would just need to concentrate on the bond and a type of string connecting you would appear.

I knew that it would be useful considering how many times my darling has gotten in trouble. I was quickly walking as I followed the string. Finally I spotted Hadrian I sighed out in relief which was shortly lived when I saw a man towering over him.

I felt rage boil in me, I saw Hadrian glaring at the man as he continued to speak rapidly to him, I could see the mans smirk from here. I saw Hadrian glance away from the man in clear annoyance, he made eye contact with me and I could see the slight panic in his eyes as the man reached down and gripped his waist.

I quickly approached and grabbed the man by his shoulder, he glanced back at me, I reared up my fist and hit him as hard as I could. The man staggered back and looked up in a panic, I glared down at him. "Who are you?" I snarled, I watched the man shiver in fear as I allowed my magic to whip around me threateningly, I felt Hadrian run his hands up my arms soothingly, I felt myself calm slightly, the man watched slightly as he did this. "He's a little whore," the man snarled, I felt my rage flare back up with a vengeance.

"He was stroking my face and flirting with me, he kept making eyes at me across the room," the man continued with a smirk, I glared down at the man, but before I could say or do anything Hadrian lifted his hand, the man screamed in pain and I quickly cast a silencing ward around the room. I glanced at Hadrian as the man continued to writhe and scream in pain. I pulled Hadrian against me as he continued to torture the man with his magic. *Bueatiful* I hissed as Hadrian finally released the man.

"Let's go Tom," Hadrian said as he turned to leave, I grabbed his arm still looking down at the man, I quickly casted an obliviate not caring what memories the man forgot, I allowed the spell to destroy the man's mind. I grabbed Hadrian's face and lightly kissed him, "Go back to the ball my darling, I'll be back soon," I said before stepping inside the shadows with the man, I dropped him down onto one of the paths and stepped back into the room of Black Manor.

When I returned Hadrian was still in the room waiting for me, he approached me before lightly trailing his hand down my chest, he looked up at me with a slight mischievous smile, *Let's go home,* he said while leaning up to lightly suck on my jaw. I quickly shadow stepped us back home, bot caring where we landed at the moment, I needed Hadrian now.

I pinned Hadrian against the wall as soon as we got home from the ball, I kissed him senseless as I entertwined our tongues together, I quickly stripped Hadrian of his outer robes, he gasped as I ran my hands under his shirt. "What's got you so riled?" he asked as I moved to suck under his jaw, I looked at him as I began to unbotton his shirt and vest. I quickly pulled them off of him, I pulled him close to me then shadow stepped us to our room. I quickly pushed him onto the bed, I was quick to pin him down and continued to kiss and nip my way down his torso.

He pulled me back up and connected our lips again, he then began to take off my robes quickly. We pulled away briefly both of us breathing hard. Hadrian lightly laughed from underneath me as I began to suck on his collar bone again. "Tom?" Hadrian breathed slightly through a moan. I hummed as I bit down onto his collar bone, "Why are you so worked up?" he asked breathlessly. I ran my hands down his body lightly causing him to groan, "Must I have a reason to lust over my bonded?" I asked as I began to slowly take off his trousers, he breathlessly laughed. "No... but normally I do something for you to quote unquote, 'lust over your bonded'," he said as he glanced down at me, I kissed his inner thigh causing him to groan, "You yourself is something to lust after my love," I said as I gently ran my hands down his legs, he sighed than sat up slightly. I raised my brow slightly.

"Are you alright lovely," I asked as I pulled back. Hadrian sighed as he properly sat up and sat with sigh. "It's just that... what the man said... hell he didn't even introduce himself to me, he just started to flirt with me and he kept caressing me and... he kept trying to touch me... the way only you touch me Tom," he said with a sigh. He ran his hand through his hair in distress. I sighed then sat myself beside him against the bed frame. I glanced over at him then pulled him onto my lap.

"He called me a whore Tom," he said with a frown as he curled into me, he rested his head onto my chest. "That's why he's lost to the Shadow Realm," I said with a sigh as I continued to stroke his head, "It's a fate worse than death," I felt Hadrian nuzzle against me. "I love you," he said with a sigh as he leaned up slightly to nibble on my jaw, I gently grabbed his chin so that we were both looking at each other properly. "I of course, love you too," I said before giving him a chaste kiss.

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