Now all the students who were finished waited for everyone else to. They had free time essentially until the bell rang. And once it did, Jungwon was the first out the door.

"Hyung! Hyung!" The younger called out to Jay who was a few feet away. The blonde had just reached his locker and wasn't expecting Jungwon to be here. "Oh, what's up?" The older questioned, not sure if this was a good or bad thing. "I did it! I passed!" Jungwon exclaimed, jumping up and down like an excited puppy. Jay scooped the other in a hug and spun him around, "ah im so proud of you!" He cheered along. Jungwon giggled as he was being set down. "With a 94 too!" He added. "Wonnie you're so smart, you were so scared but look! You did it. Gosh I'm so proud." Jay smiled down to the younger and then went to open his locker like he came here to do. "Its all because of your help actually," Jungwon continued. Jay sighed and put one of his books on the locker shelf. "Won dont say that, I'm not the one who took the test silly."

"But you helped me focused and taught me some of the material." Jungwon explained, fiddling with his fingers while doing so. Jay turned around and gave a playful smile, "Well I'm glad to be of service." Jungwon scoffed and shook his head, "Well let's go to lunch hyung." And the younger grabbed Jay's wrist and dragged him to the cafeteria.

When they reached their destination and sat down, a wave of tiredness hit Jungwon. Jay had only tooken out his sandwich to eat when he felt pressure on his shoulder. He looked to see Jungwon there and then proceeding to wrap his arms around his. "M' tired." Jungwon admitted sleepily. "I bet, you stayed up all night studying." Jay spoke softly. He knew people were watching them closely but he didn't care. If Jungwon felt comfortable enough to do this in public he wouldn't stop him. And this reminded Jay of their first time on the rooftop. When Jungwon fell asleep like this.

"What do we have here?" Sunoo teased, sitting down with his lunch accompanied by Ni-ki. "Jungwon is tired, he took his big chemistry test today." Jay responded. "Ah that's right!" Sunoo had completely forgotten his friend telling him all about it. "Well? Did he get the score back?" Jay nodded with a smile, "94."

"Wahh that's so good!" Sunoo clapped his hands in a mini celebration. "Dang, I got a 68." Ni-ki blurted out suddenly. Jay choked on his spit and Sunoo gasped and snapped his head to be looking at the youngest, "You got what?!" Ni-ki looked down sadly, "Yeah, I didn't understand and just gave up." Sunoo brought his hand up to intertwine with Ni-ki's. "Thats okay, there's always next time. Plus, chemistry is super hard."

"Hey guys!" Jake piped up. "Hey." Sunoo responded with a wave. The other three who weren't present before sat down in their usual spots. "Is he okay? He's been tired lately." Sunghoon asked, pointing to their student body president. "He was up late studying." Jay answered, looking down at the sleeping boys peaceful face. Jungwon only snuggled closer to the blonde, loving his warmth. "He still needs to eat though..." Jay whispered to himself with a sigh.

"Um...excuse me?" A short girl approached their table with someone else trialing behind, perhaps a friend. This grabbed all the boys attention. "Jay oppa, are you and Jungwon dating?" She asked bluntly. He was struck by the question since it was so straight to the point, "No, why? And even if we were it's none of your business." The others looked at him like 'oh damn' and awaited her response. "Its- its just- hes never been so close to someone this fast. He's never been this clingy to anyone in general. We all think its weird." Jay eyed her with an annoyed face, "What Jungwon does is none of your business, let him live a life, gosh." She rolled her eyes and bowed half-heartedly. She turned around to leave but looked back for a quick second to say, "He just doesn't deserve someone like you." And then she walked away. "Yah!" Ni-ki yelled to her in frustration. None of them appreciated what was said.

Jay looked down, letting her words sink in. He didn't want to believe she could be right. He had forgotten Jungwon had a reputation here. But he'll think about this later. "Jay hyung don't listen to her," Sunghoon spoke, knowing his words could mean nothing.

"What happened?" Jungwon asked in a groggy voice, sitting himself up. "I thought I heard a girl and Jay talking?" Jungwon rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Nothing." Jay responded with a reassuring smile, but his eyes said something else. Now obviously there's no way Jungwon could fall in a deep sleep that fast. He's just really good at pretending. He heard everything. He was going to say something but it seemed Jay had it under control. Plus he was content resting on Jay's shoulder in a cat-nap.

The others didn't know if they should tell Jungwon what really happened or leave it be since that's what Jay seemed to want. But they resulted into not saying anything. "You need to eat wonnie." Jay spoke up. The younger had forgotten all about food, just wanting a peaceful rest.

"'re right." Jungwon stared at the table blankly, remember he forgot to pack food...again. It's not that he doesn't want to eat, he just never has time. He either falls asleep at lunch or gets to talk to his friends for a few minutes before Ye-ji drags him to a student council meeting. "Say ahh!" Jay spoke before shoving a strawberry in the youngers mouth. Jungwon got startled but chewed the fruit in satisfaction. "Mm thanks hyung." Jay then passed his zip lock bag containing more of the fruit, "Here, have it." Jungwon smiled, lunging himself onto the older in an appreciative hug. "Thanks!" This confused the others sitting at the table. That girl was right about one thing, Jungwon has never been this affectionate with anyone else. He hated any form of affection before Jay.

"Jungwon!!" A familiar voice yelled from a few feet away. Jungwon huffed and turned around, wanting to yell, but knew better not to. "Yes?"

"We're gonna be late! Let's go!" Ye-ji motioned with her hand for the male mentioned to follow her. Jungwon always forgot which days he did and did not have meetings on. You can't blame him, with school there is just too much to keep track of. "Okay okay, I'm coming!" Jungwon gave Jay an apologetic look before running after Ye-ji.

But unfortunately the meeting lasted their entire lunch break. Though, Jungwon was use to it. Today was rather successful. And so, continues on his day.

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