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"I can't believe she is turning one." Miranda gushed laying back on the couch.

"I know me either. It seems like yesterday she was just born now she's talking and walking.

"I still can't believe she said dada first." Miranda replied annoyed.

"Well, I mean she is a daddy's girl.." Ben laughed.

"Yeah whatever." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well, at least you saw her first steps." He stated. He saw them a few moments after, but he wanted to see the first initial ones too.

"India." Miranda smiled walking into the daycare. Seeing her baby on the mat playing with blocks.

"Ma-ma." She said excitedly pushing up on her hands and knees to stand. Holding on to the little chair she toddled over to Miranda who gasped.

"Oh my God. You're walking." Miranda shouted backing up some so she could keep doing it.

When she finally made it over to Miranda, she smiled grabbing onto her legs. India started pulling on her pants leg signaling she wanted to be picked up.

"Hi my big girl. I'm so proud of you. You did so good." Miranda smiled kissing her face. "Let's go show daddy. You want to see daddy."

Miranda texted Ben and told him to met her in the lobby before she went home. He was still on shift tonight, but she wanted him to see this.

A little ways across the room. She saw Ben with his back turned.

"Who is that, India? Is that daddy? Miranda said loudly so Ben would turn around. Ben turned around and smiled at them.

Miranda walked a little bit closer. "There's daddy." She said to India setting her on her feet.

India looked at Ben and babbled excitedly taking steps to get to him.

"Oh my God." Ben gasped. "Miranda she's walking." He said loudly causing people to turn and look a the scene unfolding.

"I know." She cheered.

Ben crouched down and called her name and her steps became faster as she made it to his arms. Ben picked her up quickly and held her in the air causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

Hugging her tightly, he kissed her face. "You did so good. Such a big girl."

"When?" Ben asked turning to Miranda.

"Just now. I walked into the daycare and called her name. She just stood up smiling and walked to me." Miranda explained on cloud 9.

"I love being a mom every moment, but her first steps I keep replaying in my head." Miranda revealed.

"Everything is just a constant reminder that our baby is not going to be a baby."

"Exactly that's why this theme is perfect Donut grow up! " She laughed.

"What time are we setting up the venue tomorrow." Ben asked.

"The party is from 2pm-5pm. So I was thinking 12. I know Brian is going to come help us." Miranda informed and Ben rolled his eyes.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing." He responded grabbing more bags to finish the party favors.

Miranda knew he still didn't like Brian, but hell she didn't like his girlfriend either. She had been seeing Brian for 8 months now.

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