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Miranda had been at home laying in bed all day. She would have much rather been at work, but Richard took her off the schedule and made her stay home and rest.

It was raining cats and dogs outside and had been for hours. The storm actually seem to calm her and she was sleeping through it, until she got Braxton hicks contraction.

They weren't anything that she needed to time. Her doctor said it was normal for her to have them especially since she was 39 weeks.

Trying to find a comfortable position she turned on her other side and adjusted her pregnancy pillow. She quickly fell back to sleep.

An hour later Miranda awoke to a tightening in the lower part of her stomach. It wasn't necessarily painful, but there was a significant amount of discomfort.  "Mmmm.." she moaned softly, trying to rub out the cramp in her huge distended belly with the pads of her fingers. Palming the bare skin of her lower abdomen with pressure, Miranda breathed out slowly; the pain was subsiding. She laid their a few more moments until her daughter kicked and moved some.

"Okay miss India mommy is getting up. I'm hungry too." Miranda laughed talking to her active baby. "I don't know where your daddy is. He must have forgot that he was suppose to feed us."

Miranda slid off the bed and grabbed her phone. She clicked on Ben's message.

"Hey, had to work later than I thought. Short on anesthesiologist today. The storm is supposed to get pretty bad. I'm coming over as soon as I get off."

She text him back before taking her phone and walking to kitchen.

"Okay what's in here to eat?" She contemplated looking in the refrigerator.

Miranda took out the things to make spinach and artichoke dip pasta with chicken.

She cut on the news as she cooked and listened. They were on a flood watch and it was lightning. She saw that there were car accidents and she knew that the ER was a beautiful mess right now.

After finishing up her dinner, Miranda didn't even get a chance to eat feeling pressure on her bladder.

She walked to the bathroom in her room and

she used it. Miranda tried to walked to the bathroom door, but didn't make it, she grabbed the counter to hold herself as a Braxton Hicks hit her.

"Oooh God." Miranda said as her eyes watered from the pain she felt. This was different than earlier

Trying to regulate her breathing she stood up and just wanted to make it to her bed.

"Damn." Miranda whimpered as she felt liquid trickled down her leg, soaking her underwear. "What the hell? I just used the bathroom."

Her eyes widened she was going into labor. "Todays the day you want to make your big entrance princess, in a storm." Miranda pouted talking to her belly.

"Okay I just need to get to my phone and call the man responsible for this." Miranda thought making a plan.

She walked carefully to the bathroom door pulling it open she didn't even make two steps. The force of the contraction hit her so hard and intense that it made her legs buckle from underneath her.

After Ben finished up in surgery he cleaned his tools and left to change from his scrubs.

"Is it still storming?" Ben asked Knox in the lounge.

"Yeah it's still pretty bad. High winds of 39 mph. Hurricane weather."

Ben grabbed his phone and read Miranda's text message.

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