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↣ the keep beckons

CHAPTER TWO↣ the keep beckons

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For two weeks she put up with Jaskier. For two weeks he followed her around the entire continent. For two weeks he said hardly anything.

Yet in his silence, and much to her surprise, Kryl actually grew to like the infuriating man.

"Why do those bloody crows keep follow us?" He asked, staring up at the sky above them. It was one of the few things that he just kept asking, and she just kept shrugging as her response. "You're telling me, you, you of all people, don't know why some birds are treating us like their next meal."

"Your expectations of me are far too high, Jaskier," she chuckled, "and they won't hurt us." She didn't even look up at the animals, they'd been coming and going, but there was always at least four.

She and Jaskier were heading towards Cintra now, despite Kryl knowing that it'd fallen a while ago, she continued to lead Wyver in the direction of the burning ruins of the old kingdom. The girl in her vision had to be here somewhere.

"Or not me, at least." She finished, with a little grin.

"Now how are you so sure that they'll eat me alive, and leave you keep your precious insides?" He sassed, watching her and raising his eyebrows. He leaned forwards against the neck of his own horse, with its own a light coat and muddy legs.

Kryl had noticed that Jaskier spoke in such a way that she'd completely resented at first, but she was actually growing somewhat fond of his constant sarcasm and patronage.

"Because they're my bloody crows." She smiled, glancing over at him. She'd tried to talk like he did, and apparently managed it when he mumbled something along the lines of 'shut up, stupid Witcher child'. Yet he didn't seem to question the fact that they were 'hers', as she'd said. "Cintra shouldn't be too far now." She said, she recognised the land here, the way the path rolled over the hills, the dirty path standing out clearly in the bright green. It sounded stupid, considering she'd not been out a lot, but with some places, you just tell when you were close.

At that moment, a crow decided to swoop down from above them, purposely hitting Jaskier's head before circling around and landing on Kryl's now outstretched arm.

"Home." It squawked at her.

Kryl rolled her eyes and jerked her arm up suddenly, forcing the bird to flutter its wings momentarily before swerving and landing gently on Wyver's head.

"Go back and tell Vesemir it's not going to work." She said to it.

Vesemir liked to sent little messages through her crows, they often told her to go home, save to say she rarely listened.

"You can understand that thing?" Jaskier said, pointing between them both.

"Yes." She replied shortly, Jaskier nodded, seemingly putting piece and piece together. "Wyver, shake your head for me."

𝗪𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗦 | cirilla of cintra Where stories live. Discover now