Part 44 - Family Time [Christmas Special🎄]

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A very chilly unexpected wind gust blew through Kabeh. The usual rays of sunlight didn't shine across the kingdom. Thanks to this, the wedded couple slept longer than usual until a knock from one of the servants. Raya was the first to wake and she yawned and went to the door. Raya was clearly irritated and she said, "Have you seen the time?"

"No disrespect your highness, but I should be asking you that." replied the servant with a hint of humor in her tone.

Raya was confused and she raised a brow.

"It's like 10am now." replied the servant.

"What?! But why does it look so dark?"

"Looks like a little storm."

Raya yawned again and said sleepily, "Excuse me, I'll be ready soon."

"Okay your majesty."

Raya closed her door and resorted back to the warm, comfortable bed, next to her sleeping wife. She tried falling asleep but for some reason, she couldn't do so and her constant repositioning woke Namaari. 

"Good morning dep la." said Namaari.

"Good morning sweetheart." replied Raya before kissing Namaari's lips.

"You're up pretty early today anddd it's kinda chilly." Said Namaari.

"We actually slept 3 hours overtime."

"What? Are you serious?" asked Namaari in disbelief.

"Yeah, a servant came to wake us not long ago." replied Raya.

"Woah, so what's with the weather though? Why is it so chilly?"

"Probably a storm. We need to go get ready to conquer the day."

"Yeah, you're right."

They both took a soothing warm bath, suiting the weather that persisted that morning. After breakfast, Raya realized just how windy things became. She went for a thick coat and went outside to observe the surroundings. Namaari joined her not long after and said, "As unusual as it is, I'm enjoying this weather."

"I got to say, it is nice. But is Pengu okay? I don't want what happened last time to happen again."

"Don't be so paranoid dep la, I'm sure all is fine. If not, don't you think Sisu or another of his siblings would've notified us?"

Raya sighed and said, "Well that's true. But just to be sure...I wanna-"


Raya was interrupted by a sudden chirpy yell. She turned around and it was Sisu heading her way. Raya was very happy to see her and ran to her embrace. Sisu also went to hug Namaari and said, "A wonderful windy day, isn't it?"

"It is, I'm enjoying the cold." replied Namaari.

" everything okay with Pengu?" asked Raya.

"That's just what I'm here to inform you about." replied Sisu.

Raya felt her heart sink to the sole of her feet as she feared that something bad happened.

"Pengu's fine. He said nothing's wrong but more seasonal variation is needed in Kumandra for all the lands. And once that is in place, he can only alter it but even if something is wrong with him -or any dragon for that matter- it won't affect the environment." explained Sisu.

Raya felt relieved and released a loud sigh. "That's good to know. I was afraid for a sec."

"Don't worry Raya, there won't be any threats. Kumandra is fine. So Winter is just arriving in Heart and Fang and automatically Kabeh as well. The only place that won't see a huge variation is Spine but no land will suffer weather they can't handle. Like here in Kabeh, just a little coldness but absolutely no snow." said Sisu.

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