Part 15 - Bridge Between...

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It was midday. The sun was pelting and Namaari felt frustrated because of the heat and the fact  that she won't see Raya for a while...maybe a long while. Finally, they arrived at Fang. The people of Fang bowed to Virana and Namaari as they walked by.

"General Atitaya will help you unpack." said Virana.

Namaari and General Atitaya walked side by side and she said, "So Namaari...wanna talk?"

"Okay. About what?" asked Namaari, avoiding turning to head to look at the General. She already pissed her off earlier. She was calmer about the situation but was still slightly upset.

"I'm just finding out if you worked things out with Raya... You know...what I told you to do earlier."

"That is none of your business." said Namaari coldly as she begun walking faster. 

"Namaari...can you just listen to this one thing I'll say?" said the General.

Namaari stopped and looked at her and said, "What?" 

"Your mother is already suspicious. And she and I have decided to do something to prevent you from having feelings."

Namaari's eyes widened and she said, "And...what is that?"

"You'll see when we go to the throne room."

Namaari was definitely concerned. "Nothing will every stop me from loving you Raya. You'll always be my babygirl." Said Namaari in her mind.

After packing away her stuff, she went to the throne room and saw some guests. She raised her brow in confusion and said to the general, "Um...who are these?"

"King Caridad and Prince Dakari."

Virana was speaking to Caridad and when she saw Namaari, she smiled and said, "King Caridad, I'd like to introduce my daughter, Namaari. Namaari, this is King Caridad."

Namaari awkwardly shook his hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you, your highness."

"And you, Princess Namaari. This is my son, Prince Dakari." said the king as he introduced Dakari. Dakari was light skinned with black faded straight hair, brown almond eyes, a pointed nose, cherry lips and a sharp jawline. He was very muscular and a bit taller than Namaari. He smiled and bowed to her.

"Great to meet you, princess." he slightly blushed as he spoke and Namaari slightly raised a brow but quickly changed her expression back to being neutral.

"Namaari will meet back with you shortly. General Atitaya will show you around." said Virana. 

She walked with Namaari to one of the nearby rooms and Namaari said, "Mother, what are they doing here? And where are they from?"

"They are from outside of Kumandra. A small island called Seridae. I should have told you this sooner... prince Dakari will be courting you."

"WHAT?!" yelled Namaari in complete shock. "MOTHER WHY?"

"Calm down mist...You are at the age for starting to date. And Dakari is everything. He has an absolutely amazing personality, nice manly features. I know a good man when I see one." said Virana, attempting to charm her daughter.

"Mother...I...I don't wanna date him!" 

"And why? Have you gotten to know him?"

"Mother I don't wanna have anything to do with dating any man!"

"Namaari...please don't get me upset. I know what is best for you, everything is being arranged and you have no say in this. Get to know the gentleman and I'm sure you'll regret all you just said in a week."

Namaari sighed and the only person on her mind at that point was Raya. Chief Benja approved of them both being a couple but there could be no going back or change of mind for Virana. She definitely not as compassionate and understanding as Chief Benja and there's no way she would be okay with her daughter dating another girl. No way. And it wasn't like they were still in Heart. They're back home in Fang and Namaari HAD to listen to her mother and act on her commands.

"Mother...I just...I really don't want this."

"You don't. But every decision we make is in the best interest of our people, not us. Being royalty means you are selfless. Your people are first. I thought you learnt that."

Namaari coldly gazed on her mother and said, "So risking myself to retrieve the dragon gem pieces, involuntarily killing Sisu, risked being stone...wasn't that all for Fang, mother? Everything I've done was for Fang but I have to care about my well being as well."

Virana inhaled loudly and said, "And what's the worst that can happen with you having Dakari as your partner Namaari?"

Namaari longed to tell Virana about her and Raya but that moment would be an absolutely bad time.

"I'd be with someone I don't love. That's what would be wrong. I love..." she stopped before she'd accidentally blurted out 'Raya'.

"Love who, Namaari?"

"N..not anyone... Um I was gonna say I love when uh decisions are made where we are...happy." She was such a good liar and quick thinker. 

"Well, let's see how things progress darling. Let us meet back with the king and prince and you and him will sit and talk. Get to know each other."

This has got to be one of the worst days of Namaari's life. How could something like this be happening to soon? That general...HOW DARE SHE?! Helping Virana to chose a partner for her just so she has no romantic feelings for Raya? Absolutely disgusting...


"Hello again Princess Namaari." said the prince as he sat next to her. They were on a bench and a space of about a meter was between them. Namaari felt mentally tortured and very uncomfortable.

"Hey..." was her simple reply.

"Are you doing fine? You seem worried..." asked the prince.

Namaari wanted to just blurt out what was wrong but she didn't know this stranger.

"Yeah...I-I'm fine."

She avoided eye contact with the prince.

"Okay... I want to commend you. I've heard of the noble deed that you have done for Kumandra and that takes extraordinary strength, determination and courage."

Namaari glanced at him and with a smile, she said, "Thanks..."


"So um...I heard you're from an island?"

"Yeah. Seridae is quite small. We have a population of just...near 15,000."

"Ohh alright. And I heard a lot about here. Famous for the dragons. Is there any chance that I could maybe...see one?" Dakari is possibly...another dragon nerd...

"Of course. My favourite is Sisu. I'm not sure when she'll flyby again but she's amazing."

As they spoke, Namaari sighed as she thought about Raya. They had a similar conversation 6 years ago. 

"Namaari, I know that you may not feel comfortable talking to me because I'm new to you. But you can trust me and I am willing to listen to you and help out where I can. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. I um...I would like to be alone for a while. Excuse me."

She got up and left to her room and locked herself in. Why was all this happening to her? Why her? Why NOW?

Poor Dakari going to really come between her and Raya...for good? More soon <3 Feedback appreciated and don't forget to leave a vote.

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