Part 29 - Relief and Tension...

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Namaari was getting more angry the more the general spoke. 

"Listen, the health of Kumandra's leaders is more important than travelling to socialize! Dakari will meet the leaders in due time but Raya is of great importance right now!" said Namaari, trying to remain calm.

"To you... What has to be done, must be done."

Namaari stood up with anger fueling her as she slowly approached the general, with her gaze fixed on her and fists clenched. In a slow yet terrorizing voice, Namaari said, "Listen, I do not care if you don't care about Raya. She is sick and needs someone to be looking after her. That someone is me. And I have power over you so don't tell me to leave Heart and think I'll actually go, just like that!"

"Wooah! Woah Woah! What's with the tension?" asked Chief Benja when he saw what was happening.

The general bowed and said, "Namaari and Dakari need to continue meeting with the various leaders of Kumandra but Namaari is objecting because she wants to stay with Raya."

Namaari sighed. "Chief Benja, the other lands have probably been faced with catastrophe because of the intense weather yesterday! I'm sure they want to focus on repairing and rebuilding and not just getting to know a prince!" 

Chief Benja nodded and said, "Namaari does have a valid point. And speaking of, the dragons said that Fang was okay with minor inundation, Spine only has some fallen bamboos, Tail is okay but a lot of Talon is damaged so they could use some help to repair their land. The good news is that since the destroying of the Druun, some persons moved to the mainland but majority haven't and are still on the water."

"Chief, you said that Spine is okay. And that is our next stop. If we delay things, Chief Virana's plans will be altered. And Raya has you and the dragons to look after her, she's going to be okay."

Chief Benja sighed then faced Namaari and said, "Hmm... I know how much you want to stay with Raya and ensure she's okay. And as the general said, she has me and the dragons." Namaari held down her head then Chief Benja continued. "However, I know that she'll not be so okay without you and you're the only person that can make her feel healthy when she's ill."

Namaari looked up at and smiled at him. Benja chuckled and said, "There's no need for traveling. I invited the Chiefs of Talon, Spine, the new chief of Tail and also Chief Virana. They should be here in a while. For saving Kumandra twice, it is only appropriate that we greatly reward you. We will discuss what happens next for you and Raya."

Namaari hugged him in relief and said , "Thank have no idea!"

"Everything will work out well."

The general felt defeated and said, "Excuse me." then walked away.

After she walked away, Namaari sighed and said, "Since she suspected that Raya and I have been dating, she's been trying to rid us and I'm afraid my mother is too."

"I get that Chief Virana wants to follow tradition but I also get that she loves you. And for saving this entire land is priceless. The least we can do is accept you and Raya as our next couple and leaders. Pengu will also be meeting with us since he is a dragon superior." explained Benja.

"Does that mean...I'll be engaged to Raya and eventually marry her?" asked Namaari somewhat excitedly.


Namaari felt absolutely relieved and she said, "I can't thank you enough Chief Benja."

"No need to, Namaari. Now, I'll be preparing the space for when the leaders arrive."

The Chief smiled and left and Namaari turned around to see that Raya was still asleep. She longed to make out with her. She went beside her and first felt her neck. She still had a fever and Namaari decided not to wake her. She closed the door and went beside her, returning her into her embrace. 


It was about an hour later and Raya was restless as she woke. The movements woke Namaari and she sat up and yawned and said in her tired voice, "How are you feeling dep la?"

"Tired." replied Raya.

Namaari placed her hand on her neck and said, "Well apparently the fever is gone."

"Yeah I feel a lot better." She hugged Namaari and said, "Thank you for helping me."

"Of course baby. And I have some amazing news for you."

"What is it?" asked Raya.

"Chief Benja said he's invited the chiefs from the lands for a meeting. Because we saved Kumandra twice, he and them along with Pengu will discuss rewarding us...mainly with you and I getting...well... married."

Raya's gasped in shock and said, "Really?!"

Namaari nodded and Raya broke down in tears of relief and happiness before going back in Namaari's embrace.

"I-I'm so happy!"

Namaari held her close and said, "I know baby. Me too. I've looked forward to this, I didn't see a change coming, but here is it! And I am beyond relieved."

Not very long after, someone knocked on the door. A deep male voice said, "Please be at the meeting room in 5 minutes."

A stream of fear ran through both Raya and Namaari.

"Do you think that we have approval?" asked Raya.

"I don't know...let's go and see what's up." replied Namaari.

"Wait..." said Raya when she held on to her hand.

Namaari looked at her confused and said, "What's wrong dep la?"

"Before we go can we...make out..." said Raya shyly as she avoided eye contact and blushed.

Namaari slightly chuckled then walked up to her and put her arms around her waist and then stared into her eyes and said, "Of course we can." They slowly leaned in to let their lips meet. After a long, wet, passionate kiss, they went to the meeting room and knocked then entered.

The tension is building as we'll soon know what the leaders have decided on as a reward for the princesses. But will they be accepted as a couple? More soon! <3

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