What Really?

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Y/N's P.O.V

The slender brothers then says "So You know them all??"

I then say " I Know them all..... Dang if i didn't know anything Then Why Would they live with me? Because they would be dead otherwise well some would.."

Jesse then looks up and says " ha, That would be funny to see but if it goes to me *makes bloop sound* I'm Gone, and I'll be like bye, I'm Gone run to the hill."

JB then says " So What you saying you going to be laughing, because you think that would be funny to see but if it goes to you *mimics bloop sound* then you'll be like I'm Gone, And I'll be like Bye! then your be like I'm Going to run to the hills.."

Jesse then glitches and picks up a Book

JB then says " Sircely a Book give it the *Before he could finish she threw the book*."

The slender man then says " She has a temper does she not.."

I then say " No, actually he twisted her words and pointed it all back towards her and put them back in her mouth Haha.... well put words in her mouth.."

Splendor then says " So what you meaning is like if i said you have a temper that would be putting words in your mouth.."

I then chuckle..

Jesse then says " You need a book.. Its the same book and its a copy.."

I then say " No I'm good, I may stab him in the back.. if he tests my so-called Temper.."


I then says " Yes if you pull another string..."

I then add " I Normal Don't threat, First time for everything.."

Elixa then says " Moma Slendy can you play tea party with me?"

I then nod sure, But first I then whisper in her ear *Can you go get Jane for me, to get Jeff?*

Elixa then says hyper but not sure if she should do so " But its a two way, spread here, I have to say it outside the door because nobody is allowed to go in her room without her permission..."

In love with Slender (Slenderman x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt