Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes to Washington

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"Current events. Somebody tell me what's going on in the world," Mr. Matthews said, starting today's topic.

"Stuff happened in some country, some team won a game, and it's cold somewhere with a chance of I don't care. Am I all caught up?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, your education's complete. Anybody who's gonna turn out well got something to say?" Mr. Matthews asked. "Lucas."

"All the news is about the elections," Lucas said.

"So are all of the commercials," Farkle added.

"Why should we care about the election when we don't get to vote?" Riley asked.

"Who else feels that way?"

A lot of us raised our hands, including me. "Well, that's a shame, guys. Because this world's gonna belong to you soon."

"The one you messed up?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, thanks anyway," Lucas replied.

"Oh, so you got problems with this planet you're inheriting?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"When I read the news, it makes me feel like this isn't even a world I want to rule," Farkle admitted.

"Wow, Farkle, I've never heard you say anything like that before," Riley said, impressed.

"I'm a visionary, Riley. I look ahead," Farkle said. He turned to me. "You. Me. Mars. Let's do this thing."

"Of course," I whispered, smiling.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You guys are supposed to be optimistic. Future leaders," Mr. Matthews explained. "You don't get cynical until high school."

"Why don't you elect people who care enough to make things better?" Lucas asked.

"I like to think I do every time I vote," Mr. Matthews replied. "But the truth is, I'm not responsible for the quality of people running for office."

"How are these people even chosen?" I questioned.

"Well, the parties choose the best candidates they can come up with," Mr. Matthews explained.

Dad ran into the room, making me freeze. My hands shook, dropping my pen onto my notebook. That was him. He was in my school.

"I am running for senator of the grape state of New York, and I need your votes."

"Kids don't vote," Riley said simply.

"Then uh-oh!"

"Everybody close your books. It's the end of the world," Mr. Matthews joked.

"I'm really dizzy. I've done this in every classroom," Dad said, still panting.

"(Y/n)?" Farkle hissed, making me turn to him. "Are you okay?"

"No. No, I'm not," I said, my hands shaking violently.

Farkle wrapped an arm around me and walked me out of the classroom. Mr. Matthews looked at me worriedly as I passed my father, who left me ten years ago.


"Hi," Dad said, sitting next to me as I sat in the Matthews' apartment. "So, you're my daughter, right?"

"Yes." I nodded, still staring at the ground.

"Look at me," Dad breathed.

I looked up at him. He smiled when a piece of my hair fell from behind my ear.

"You're Rachel," Dad said. "Not literally, but you're Rachel."

"I have your eyes," I said, smiling.

"You have my eyes? Then how am I supposed to see?" Dad questioned, panicked, as he ran his hands over his eyes. "Phew. Nope, they're still in there."

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