Girl Meets World

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Sitting in Riley's bay window, we always talked about boy problems and wallow in our depression when we felt like we didn't belong in the world. Now, it was Maya wanting us to sneak out.

"Why do we have to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?" my clueless best friend questioned as we sat in the bay window.

"You think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" Maya asked.

"I think I'm ready." Riley smiled.

"Let me see your face as you walk by your parents," Maya said.

Riley made a straight, awkward smile that could clearly tell that something was wrong.

"Why are you making that face at us, Riley?" I imitated her parents.

"Because I'm sneaking onto the subway," Riley said, looking at both of us worriedly.

"Out the window," I decided.

"Let's go," the two girls agreed with me.

I was the first one to climb out, but was stopped by a certain girl's father. The three of us backed up through the window and were continued to be followed through the window.

"Here's what I'm thinking," Mr. Matthews started as we sat on the bed. "It's not your world yet! It's still my world. Because if it was your world, Maya would have both of you on the subway already thinking you put something over on me. But you didn't. Know how I know? Look at ya. You're right here."

"How long do I have to live in my father's world?" Riley looked at Maya and me.

"Until you make it yours. Riley, do you know what I want more than anything? Go ahead. Make it yours." Mr. Matthews motioned to the window.

"I will. And when I do, will you still be there for me?" Riley asked.

"Right here." Mrs. Matthews walked into the room. "We'll be right here."

We got up from the bed with big smiles and ran out of the room. I laughed as we left the apartment. This was going to be an interesting year.


"Dweezil!" Maya yelled after dancing to the drummer's music.

"Maya!" he replied, paying attention to the three of us. "(Y/n). Who's the new chick?"

"Chick. Down here I'm a chick. No wonder my parents don't want me on the subway," Riley said excitedly.

"Riley, chick means girl in street-speak," I explained.

"You're slouching, Maya," a girl reminded the blonde.

"Thanks, Gretchen," Maya said, beginning to strut.

Riley copied her movements, and I followed them normally. I was already neutral in the subway.


"Woah, Riley, you don't do lip gloss," Maya noticed.

"Oh. What I forgot to mention was that I am completely reinventing myself. I ride the subway now, I have kiwi lips now, and I'm just as cool as you now," Riley explained.

"And this is why I stick to (f/f) chapstick." I held up the stick, applying some to my own lips.

"Yeah? Let's see how cool you can be when you look at him." Maya looked over at a boy.

Riley turned around and looked at him. He smiled and waved briefly before turning back to the book in his hands. Riley turned back to us with a giddy smile. She laughed awkwardly, making me cringe.

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